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Daya Ayush Therapy Centre Rectal Prolapse Treatment By Herbal Medicine.

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Presentation on theme: "Daya Ayush Therapy Centre Rectal Prolapse Treatment By Herbal Medicine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daya Ayush Therapy Centre Rectal Prolapse Treatment By Herbal Medicine

2 What is a rectal prolapse? What is a rectal prolapse? Prolapsed rectum is when a portion of the rectum obtrudes from the anus. Prolapsed rectum The rectum is the last portion of the large intestine and is where fecesare stored before being excreted out. Prolapse befalls when the rectum becomes separated inside the body and comes out via the anus, efficiently turning itself inside out.

3 How Prolapsed Rectum Occur? To solve this opt Ayurvedic medicine for prolapse rectum. There are three varieties of rectal prolapse:medicine for prolapse rectum Full-thickness: The full thickness of the wall of the rectum branches out through the anus. This is the most common kind of rectal prolapse. There can be a partial or complete protuberance. Mucosal: Only the lining of the anus (acknowledged as the mucosa) branches out via the anus. Internal: The rectum pleats in on itself but does not thrust outvia the anus.

4 Non Surgical Treatment Of Rectal prolapse If you doubt that you have a rectal prolapse, arrange for an appointment with your doctor. They will decide if your symptoms are instigated by a rectal prolapse or a prolapsed internal hemorrhoid and accordingly will suggest the non-surgical treatment of rectal prolapse.non-surgical treatment of rectal prolapse

5 Contact Detail Address :- Daya Ayush Therapy Centre, SAHARANPUR ROAD, HERBERTPUR, DISTRICT DEHRADUN (Uttarakhand) Email Id:- Mobile:- 09897379307, 09897551272 Website:-


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