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Ch. 10: Nervous System Basic Structure and Function

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 10: Nervous System Basic Structure and Function"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 10: Nervous System Basic Structure and Function
Part I General Functions of the Nervous System

2 General Functions of the Nervous System
Composition 1. Neurons Neuroglial Cells 2. 3.

3 General Functions of the Nervous System
Neurons Cells that… 2. Dendrites a. b. 3. Axon

4 Fig. 10.1

5 General Functions of the Nervous System
Nerves: Synapse: Neurotransmitters:

6 General Functions of the Nervous System
Divisions of Nervous System Central Nervous System (CNS) 1. 2. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) 3. Three general functions

7 Fig. 10.2

8 General Functions of the Nervous System
Sensory Receptors 1. At ends of … 2. Gather info a. b. Ex. 3. 4. CNS 1. 2.

9 General Functions of the Nervous System
Motor Neurons Carry nerve impulses from _____ to effectors 1. 2. Somatic Nervous System . Autonomic Nervous System

10 General Functions of the Nervous System
1. 2. 3.

11 Clinical Application 10.1: Migraine
Symptoms 1. 2. 3. 4. Causes Nervous system

12 Clinical Application 10.1: Migraine
Drugs . 2.

13 General Functions of the Nervous System
Neurons 1. 2. All have: a. b. c. Cell Body (soma, perikaryon) 2. 3.

14 General Functions of the Nervous System
Dendrites 1. 2. Axon 3. 4.

15 Fig. 10.3

16 General Functions of the Nervous System
Schwann cells 1. 2. Myelin 3. “Myelin sheath”- 4. Neurolemma- Nodes of Ranvier:

17 Fig a

18 Fig b

19 General Functions of the Nervous System
Myelinated axons 1. 2. 3. Unmyelinated axons

20 Fig. 10.5

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