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Star Students Calendar Math 1/21-1/25 Birthdays 1/25 - Nella

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1 Star Students Calendar Math 1/21-1/25 Birthdays 1/25 - Nella
1/25 – IF Bingo Night 6:30-8:30 2/7 – Kindergarten Information & Registration Night 6:30-8:00 2/13 – Kohl Children’s Museum Field Trip 8:45-2:00 2/14 – Valentine’s Day Party - Early Release Day/ 12:50 Dismissal 2/16 – Institute Day/ No School 2/19 – Presidents’ Day/ No School Literacy Our book of the week is “Monkeys” and the sight words are “he & she”. Please have your child practice reading and writing their sight words at home. Students will begin to practice their last names by writing it on their work. In Reading Workshop, we will continue our Nonfiction Unit of Study. Students will learn about asking questions as they read a nonfiction text. They will learn to think as they read about what they know about a topic and what questions they have. Students will also keep practicing their reading strategies: “Stretchy Snake and Chunky Monkey”. These remind students to stretch out the sounds in words and to look for small words or chunks of words they already know to help them figure out new words. In Writing Workshop, students will continue our How-to Unit of Study. They will begin to think of things they know how to do and the steps involved to do it. For example, “How to Make a Sandwich”. First, I get two pieces of bread. Then, I put on the peanut butter. Next, I put on the jelly. Last, I put the bread together and eat it. Birthdays 1/25 - Nella Math This week students will begin Module 7 which is all about teen numbers. The important idea for the students to learn is that teen numbers are made of a group of ten and some ones. In the math book students will teen numbers represented using a ten frame and some ones. We will also be introducing them to representation with base ten blocks, and tally marks. Star Students 1/21 No School 1/22 Sam 1/23 Doreen 1/24 Kira 1/25 Nella’s Birthday *Star student gets to bring in a book to Share.

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