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A Leader I Admire Project

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Presentation on theme: "A Leader I Admire Project"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Leader I Admire Project

2 Name of Leader and Birthdate or Age
Include a current picture of them, or a picture of them doing whatever they are known for within the community. List some key facts about them. What organizations do they belong to? What are they most well known for? List some of their accomplishments.

3 TRAIT #1 : ___________________
What Main Leadership Traits do they display and how do they describe them? Write a paragraph for each one of the traits you believe they exhibit in their role as a leader. Vision- Great leaders believe in something bigger than today. They are going somewhere. And, they believe it’s a worthy enough vision they are willing to help others get there. They have a vocabulary around their vision. They know how to engage and rally people around the vision.  Commitment Great leaders remain rock-solid in their dedication to their cause and their people. They stick to what they feel in their heart God has called them to do. They are unwavered by public opinion or the “mood of the day”.  They aren’t only present in the good seasons, but weather the storms of time. Their faith keeps them grounded. 

4 TRAIT #2 : ___________________
Decisiveness Great leaders make decisions – even the difficult ones – even the unpopular ones. People are willing to follow them, because they know they won’t sit on the sidelines while the world passes. They aren’t exclusive in making decisions – great leaders encourage collaboration – but they won’t compromise principles either. They are firm in their convictions and willing to stand for them when others won’t. Courage Long-term, successful leaders don’t jump ship when times get difficult. In fact, some would say you don’t realize you need a leader until times are hard. These leaders confront reality head-on; leading through needed change to a better reality. They don’t cower to pressure to conform or fail to say what needs saying. Equally, they aren’t hogs of attention. They don’t need to receive all the credit in order to lead the people to victory. 

5 TRAIT #3 : ___________________
People Great leaders realize others matter. They know there is no leadership without people to follow. They believe in the value of those on their team and are willing to invest in them. They aren’t users of people, they are people- builders. They love people and love to see them succeed. They recognize and reward other people’s contributions.  Passion It’s what gets a leader up in the morning ready to face another day. They believe in their call to lead. They are zealous to see it come to reality. They have a contagious enthusiasm. They are positive-minded and believe and hope in the days ahead.  Character Great leaders are strong in what matters most – their character. They have integrity, high morals, and qualities others can and want to follow. And, they are consistent over time in protecting their character to be above reproach. 

6 How have they gained commitment from those people that they have lead?
Make sure to include additional pictures as you are able to. You need AT LEAST 3 for this presentation. 1 paragraph – include the strategies they use to inspire, dedicate, and motivate those people who have helped them in their role as a leader.

7 How can a leader fail and how do you overcome these failures?
List a few of the setbacks they have had throughout their journey Include how they have overcome them.

8 What is their greatest strength?
Include an inspiring image of strength or one of them doing something they are known for.

9 What is their greatest weakness. How did they deal with that
What is their greatest weakness? How did they deal with that? How has it impacted them as a leader? A few well-developed sentences on this. Keep in mind that you aren’t reading off the slide for this.

10 How would you go about getting cohesion among a team who disagree?
List their strategies. Include an example of when they have had to deal with this in their lifetime.

11 Have you ever been in a mentor to another aspiring leader
Have you ever been in a mentor to another aspiring leader? How did you go about establishing that relationship? List the name of their mentor What they were the leader of And how they established that relationship Include a picture of their mentor if you can (Google is your friend) OR Include a picture of what a mentor might look like or a feeling that one would get from having a mentor

12 How do you lead through change?
Include a few sentences about this.

13 Is competition among a team healthy? Why or why not?
Include a few sentences about this.

14 How do you go about resolving conflict?
Include a few sentences about the strategies they use. Make sure to include a specific example from their journey.

15 How do you delegate responsibilities to your team?
Include a couple of sentences about this as well. Try to include a corresponding image of delegating responsibilities. (Use google)

16 How did you a handle a time when you had to make an unpopular decision?
Be specific about how you handled it.

17 How can young adults who want to become leaders get involved in the local community?
What things do they need to have prepared: What options are there: Include at least 2 or 3 local options as well.

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