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Benefits of Team Taught Dual Credits

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Presentation on theme: "Benefits of Team Taught Dual Credits"— Presentation transcript:

1 Benefits of Team Taught Dual Credits

2 Team Taught Delivery Matched college and secondary curriculum
Students enrolled in course covering content of both a secondary course and college curriculum course Must be significant overlap High school teacher delivers Ontario curriculum Professor or instructor delivers the college course

3 Classroom based at high school

4 Applied Tech delivered at high school

5 Fitness delivered at high school and college

6 Applied tech delivered at high school

7 Applied tech delivered at college

8 Retention Rates = 93% Success Rates = 92%
Provincial data shows team taught courses are highly successful Retention Rates = 93% Success Rates = 92%

9 What contributes to the success
of team taught dual credit courses

10 High school and college courses are closely aligned
Entire class participates in the dual credit Students comfortable in their home school surroundings Students don’t miss their other regular classes – good for those struggling to keep up

11 College professor/instructor and high school teacher work closely to ensure outcomes for both the secondary and the college course are met High school teacher knows the students well - can be an asset for the college faculty

12 Other Benefits Positive impact on school culture
Faculty becomes a familiar and appreciated member of the secondary school community Dual Credit projects are often noticed by other students (marketing) Team taught dual credits easily become part of predictable annual or bi-annual course offerings allowing guidance to direct target students toward the dual credits early on

13 . . .time to move on to the interesting stuff!
Panel Discussion

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