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Content Mgmt Services Digital Delivery Update July 2012

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1 Content Mgmt Services Digital Delivery Update July 2012
Jane Stanhope

2 Agenda Release Updates Digital Library eText Analytics eText v4.7.1
iPad and Android eText v4.8 Digital Library eText Analytics ETEXT-1573: Asset descriptions are appearing with a PINK background instead of a white background. ETEXT-1583: In two page view, after a user clicks and plays any audio flow on the second page, the audio flow from the first page will start to play instead of playing the subsequent audio on the second page.

3 Release Update eText v4.7.1 Hotfix - Shipped June
Pink boxes with image hotspots Audio flow order with two-page spread eText v Scheduled for 7/28 Support for Digital Library (Higher Ed) Transparent Hotspots for mobile Additional Analytics feeds Minor bug fixes iPad and Android v1.2 - Scheduled for mid-August Book ID added to Settings page Transparent Hotspots and no more salmon hotspots! iPad multi-tasking French version of iPad app Bug fixes eText v4.8 – Planning a late September release RUMBA version of LTI for iML and NGMEL Language Picker Simple “test your knowledge” quiz capabilities

4 Digital Library v1.0 Scheduled for release on 7/28
Several Higher Ed offerings underway Two major modes: Institution-defined - Handled via PLS BU-defined - Handled by CMS Key Features: Library implemented in HTML5 Supports Mac, Windows, iPad Accessible via MyLabs or unique URL Ability to search across titles SMS authentication and subscriptions Personal Journal for user notes Ability for user to subscribe to additional titles “Try before you buy” pre-view option Join the NEO group Discussions & polls Documentation & production spreadsheets Various libraries now underway: US Ed, Canadian Ed, Canadian MBA, Nursing, ReadyPoint, English, History and Sociology

5 Analytics Scheduled availability – Fall 2012 Key Features:
Self-service dashboard of key eText usage reports Reports for all eText titles - School, Higher Ed, and International Available to all Pearson business teams via appropriate access credentials Reports updated on a weekly basis Usage data for selected time period e.g. by week or cumulative over time v1.0 queries will include: Unique user visits and page hits by role and platform Note and bookmark use Hotspots clicked Search and glossary terms accessed Custom Basket use Ability to export data to spreadsheet for further analysis Save a report as PDF for easy distribution New Analytics section on NEO

6 Next Meeting Monday August 20th EDT PPT will be posted to NEO site
Become a member! Jane Stanhope

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