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Response of BW YPO consomic males to glucose and insulin challenges.

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1 Response of BW YPO consomic males to glucose and insulin challenges.
Response of BW YPOconsomic males to glucose and insulin challenges. (A) GTT data. (B) ITT data. In both (A) and (B), blood glucose levels are shown for BW YPO consomic males, and for PO and BW males after an 18-hour fast. Asterisks denote P values as in Fig. 3, but only the outcomes of Student’s t-tests between consomic males and PO males are indicated. Consomic males exhibited significant differences from BW males at all time points in both (A) and (B). Roxanne C. Oriel et al. Dis. Model. Mech. 2008;1: ©2008 by The Company of Biologists Limited

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