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The Specific Role of the Armed Forces in the Development and Use of Narratives and Counter-narratives in Countering Violent Extremism Niruthan Nilanthan.

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Presentation on theme: "The Specific Role of the Armed Forces in the Development and Use of Narratives and Counter-narratives in Countering Violent Extremism Niruthan Nilanthan."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Specific Role of the Armed Forces in the Development and Use of Narratives and Counter-narratives in Countering Violent Extremism Niruthan Nilanthan Visiting Research Fellow Bandaranaike Centre for International Relations

2 “There are but two powers in the world, the sword and the mind… In the long run, the sword is always beaten by the mind.”

3 What is a Narrative? A system of stories - provides a coherent view of the world. Set-up patterns that the layman is likely to encounter in day-to-day life. Allows societal or group members to interpret and understand their contextual environment.

4 Strategic Importance of ‘Narrative’
Goal of the Insurgent is singular - to unify military and informational operations to resist and outlast the State’s will to fight. There are multiple ways to do this – social grievances, economic grievances, political instability, bigotry Goal of the State – to prevent civilians, i.e non-combatants, from becoming combatants.

5 What Can Narratives do? Social Mobilization Formation of identities
Motivation for actions Dictate the public response to crises

6 Commonly Used Tactics Utopia – referencing the past.
Women - ISIS vs Al Qaeda example ‘You have been wronged’ Discontent with the establishment

7 Requirements to create Narratives
Credibility – State vs Civil Society Reach – How many States can compete with Non-State Actors? Marketing – Can you weave a clear narrative that resonates with the public? Public Engagement – Do the public feel that they contributed to the narrative?

8 The ‘Counter’ Narrative
We must have the ability to identify at-risk segments. Must have a positive impact on at-risk segments. Counter-Narratives are also a great way to engage with and learn about the adversary. The primary purpose is not to re-convert the converted.

9 Why the Armed Forces? Fulfil the above requirements – sole actor?
Still a revered manifestation of the State. Directly involved in the consequences of political narratives. Every success results in one less adversary.

10 Hallmarks of a Good Narrative
The Narrative must be crafted along with military strategy – it cannot be an afterthought It takes into account the adversary’s propaganda (it acts as a Counter-Narrative) All Narratives today are global Narratives The Narrative’s purpose is to affect perception, it is not an information-producer

11 Limitations of Narrative in Countering Extremism
A long process that cannot be quantified beyond a certain level of accuracy. Events rarely unfold as planned – the Narrative has to be ‘organic’ Change of attitudes does not mean change in behaviour. Inherently antagonistic relationship between the worldviews of combatants and non-combatants.

12 More Limitations! Causation is complicated – our own interpretations are not always correct. Technological imbalances – the State no longer has a monopoly over Narratives. It takes years to build credibility, but only one mistake to destroy it.


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