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Artificial Neural Networks ECE /ECE Fall 2006

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1 Artificial Neural Networks ECE.09.454/ECE.09.560 Fall 2006
Lecture 2 September 25, 2006 Shreekanth Mandayam ECE Department Rowan University

2 Plan Recall: Neural Network Paradigm Recall: Perceptron Model
Learning Processes Rules Paradigms Tasks Perceptron Training Algorithm Widrow-Hoff Rule (LMS Algorithm) Lab Project 1

3 Recall: Neural Network Paradigm
Stage 1: Network Training Artificial Neural Network Indicate Desired Outputs Present Examples Determine Synaptic Weights “knowledge” Stage 2: Network Testing Artificial Neural Network Predicted Outputs New Data

4 Recall: ANN Model x Input Vector y Output Vector f Complex Nonlinear
Artificial Neural Network y Output Vector f Complex Nonlinear Function “knowledge” f(x) = y

5 Recall: The Perceptron Model
S j(.) wk1 wk2 wkm x1 x2 xm Inputs Synaptic weights Bias, bk Induced field, vk Output, yk uk Activation/ squashing function

6 “Learning” Mathematical Model of the Learning Process ANN [w]0 x y(0)
Intitialize: Iteration (0) ANN [w]0 x y(0) [w] x y Iteration (1) [w]1 x y(1) desired o/p Iteration (n) [w]n x y(n) = d

7 Learning Rules Error Correction Learning Memory Based Learning
Delta Rule or Widrow-Hoff Rule Memory Based Learning Nearest Neighbor Rule Hebbian Learning Competitive Learning Boltzman Learning

8 Error-Correction Learning
wk1(n) Desired Output, dk (n) Activation/ squashing function x1 (n) Bias, bk wk2(n) x2 + S j(.) Output, yk (n) S Inputs Synaptic weights - Induced field, vk(n) wkm(n) Error Signal ek (n) xm

9 Learning Paradigms Supervised Unsupervised ANN Environment Teacher
(Data) Teacher (Expert) S ANN error desired actual + -

10 Learning Paradigms Supervised Unsupervised ANN Delay Environment Cost
(Data) Delay ANN Delayed Reinforcement Learning Cost Function

11 Learning Tasks Classification
Pattern Association Pattern Recognition Function Approximation Filtering Classification x1 x2 1 2 DB x1 x2 1 2 DB

12 Perceptron Training Widrow-Hoff Rule (LMS Algorithm)
y(n) = sgn [wT(n) x(n)] w(n+1) = w(n) + h[d(n) – y(n)]x(n) n = n+1 Matlab Demo

13 Lab Project 1 UCI Machine Learning Repository: Face Recognition: Generate images

14 Summary

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