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Marine Strategy Framework Directive reporting: progress and next steps

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1 Marine Strategy Framework Directive reporting: progress and next steps
European Commission DG Environment Marine Environment and Water Industry Unit Meeting of Marine Directors 29 November 2012, Limassol

2 Learning from 2012 reporting – initial reflections
Relationship: ‘paper reports’ to reporting sheets (RS) Reporting sheet content (evaluation defines the reporting content, avoid free text – use structured information) Geographic scales, regions/subregions (also using existing information processes to regional organisations) Reporting tools (schema publication – the effective starting point for MS) Timing: reporting sheets and tools (realistic timeframes including internal processes in MS)

3 Learning from 2012 reporting – future reporting
Article 12 assessment Geographic scale issues Consistency in use of reporting categories, determination of GES Value of reporting for Art. 12 and EEA baseline assessments Timing Develop and agree Reporting Sheets in good time Art. 11 Monitoring – aim to agree content of reporting by spring 2013 (reports due October 2014) Art. 13 Measures – aim to agree reporting by mid 2014 Art. 8, 9 and 10 reporting in 2018 – aim to agree revised reporting by mid-2016 Reporting tools Develop and test in good time Improved user-friendly interface

4 Art. 19(3) – access to data & information
Art. 19(3) requirements Data and information resulting from initial assessment and monitoring Access & use rights for Commission and EEA In accordance with INSPIRE Directive Strategy recommended Link 2012 access to long-term process Identify data for indicators to feature in 2014 monitoring and 2018 assessments Work progressively to develop data standards, based on existing standards (e.g. in RSCs, INSPIRE, SeaDataNet) Work progressively on access, including use of EMODnet and RSCs

5 Art. 19(3) – how? WG DIKE Technical Group First steps Draft ToRs
Process led by EEA; seek MS to co-chair WG DIKE asked to set priorities for work needed Work with MODEG (EMODnet) and INSPIRE processes First steps Access to data and information resulting from Initial Assessments Options MS advises Commission by 15 January 2013 how it will give access Provide information via reporting system, linked directly to each section of the IA (the 'non-priority' metadata sections) Use information to inform priorities for future process Identify common data types, parameters and data flows

6 Draft conclusions (1) The Marine Directors welcomed the progress made by WG DIKE on reporting for MSFD Articles 8, 9 and 10 and on access to data and information resulting from the initial assessments and from monitoring programmes. They highlighted the importance of learning from the past experience and endorsed paper 2.2, as setting out interim results which provide a basis for further work. [DETAILS NEXT PAGE] The Marine Directors will come back to these issues at their next meeting with the view to agreeing a longer term strategy and planning on reporting

7 Draft conclusions (2) Marine Directors invited the Commission to: a. Continue to reflect with Member States on lessons learned from the 2012 reporting process to inform future reporting rounds; b. Make rapid progress in the development of reporting requirements for monitoring programmes under Art. 11, including appropriate inputs from WG GES and WG DIKE, with a view to bringing an agreed content for reporting sheets to the May 2013 meeting of Marine Directors for endorsement; c. Further develop the long-term strategy for implementation of Art. 19(3), including further detail on the technical requirements and how it can be delivered, with a view to bringing a finalized strategy to the May 2013 meeting of Marine Directors for endorsement; d. Progress technical delivery of Art. 19(3) through a Technical Group of WG DIKE according to the Terms of Reference for the group; e. Make the necessary arrangements for Member States to provide access and use rights to data and information resulting from the initial assessments, including via the 'metadata catalogue' option.

8 Thank you for your attention!
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