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JOIN You can only use the swimming pool …………………. the sports club.

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Presentation on theme: "JOIN You can only use the swimming pool …………………. the sports club."— Presentation transcript:

1 You cannot use the swimming pool unless you become a member of the sports club.
JOIN You can only use the swimming pool …………………. the sports club. if you join

2 Marion will not participate in the concert because she is feeling ill.
If Marion was not feeling ill, she …………………………… the concert. would take part in

3 It will be necessary for us to postpone the match if the weather does not improve.
PUT Unless the weather gets better, we ………………………………………… the match. will have to put off will need to put off

4 Tony now regrets spending so much time skateboarding.
WISHES Tony now ………………………………………time skateboarding. wishes he had spent less

5 I will only play in the basketball match if I recover from my cold.
GET Unless ………………………… , I will not play in the basketball match. I get over my cold

6 Please don’t stroke the dog, as he’s very nervous.
RATHER I’d ……………………………………… stroke the dog, as he’s very nervous. rather you didn’t

7 You can use my laptop but I must have it back by ten o’clock.
PROVIDED You can use my laptop …………………………………. it back to me by ten o’clock. provided (that) you give

8 Your English improves because your teacher shows you your mistakes.
UNLESS Your English would not get ………………………………………. out your mistakes. better unless your teacher pointed

9 My boss advised me which computer I should buy.
GAVE My boss ………………………………………… choosing a computer. gave me (some) advice about gave me (some) advice on

10 Can you tell me precisely how much money was stolen?
EXACT Can you tell me ………………………………………. that was stolen? the exact amount of money the exact sum of money

11 The announcer began the news with a story about the prince’s visit.
ITEM The first …………………………….…… a story about the prince’s visit. item of news was news item was item on the news was

12 The report contains a few details that need explaining.
INFORMATION There ……………………………………………… the report that needs explaining. is some information in is a little information in

13 Have you succeeded in booking a room in Paris yet?
ACCOMMODATION Have you managed ……………………………………………… in Paris yet? to book some accommodation to book any accommodation to book accommodation

14 really into not very keen on enjoy not my favourite. mad about don’t mind don’t really like love very keen on not that interested in what I enjoy most. can’t bear

15 attempt hope want would like would prefer don’t mind enjoy be interested in be keen on can’t bear like love prefer

16 Nobody (1)……………….. them to finish their astonishing 19-day expedition,
expected B hoped C intended D admitted them to finish to finish them to finish finishing 2 D Brian had run a business, but he got tired of it and (3)………………… to buy a balloon. A thought B considered C afforded D decided of / about buying buying to buy to buy 4 C

17 a friend (5)………………………. me go down a water slide with him.
demanded B made C encouraged D persuaded to go me go me to go me to go I still (6)…………………….. being absolutely terrified. A forget B remind C remember D regret being someone to be being being 7 A Brian says he won’t (8)……………………. to do it again A delay B imagine C attempt D suggest to do doing doing doing

18 Continue …………… this until the mixture begins to look pale and fluffy.
Avoid …………………… the eggs all at the same time. Keep …………………… all the time. Don’t forget …………………… the baking powder. I recommend …………………… sultanas and apricots. If you prefer ……………………dates or raisins, that’s fine. Some people like ………………… some nuts too. If you decide ………………… nuts, chop them up small. Remember ………………… if the fruit cake is ready after about an hour. I suggest …………………… a little lemon juice as well. Don’t try …………………… the cake until it’s completely cold. Don’t expect ………………… much fruit cake left after a couple of hours. doing adding beating to add using to use to add to use to check adding to ice to have

19 I remember locking the door.
a memory of a past action Remember to lock the door when you go out. something you have to do I’ll never forget winning my first tennis match. a memory of a past action Don’t forget to phone Tom this afternoon. something you have to do I regret eating too much chocolate. I wish I hadn’t I regret to tell you the race has been cancelled. I’m sorry to give you this information

20 If you go by train, that means walking to the station.
it involves They didn’t mean to upset you. they didn’t intend to Try adding some milk to your tea. a suggestion, an experiment Try to open this bottle. attempt to do it if you can Stop making noise. Finish making noise We stopped to have a rest. in order to have a rest


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