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Sequential Learning with Dependency Nets
William W. Cohen 2/22
CRFs: the good, the bad, and the cumbersome…
Good points: Global optimization of weight vector that guides decision making Trade off decisions made at different points in sequence Worries: Cost (of training) Complexity (do we need all this math?) Amount of context: Matrix for normalizer is |Y| * |Y|, so high-order models for many classes get expensive fast. Strong commitment to maxent-style learning Loglinear models are nice, but nothing is always best.
Dependency Nets
Proposed solution: parents of node are the Markov blanket like undirected Markov net capture all “correlational associations” one conditional probability for each node X, namely P(X|parents of X) like directed Bayes net–no messy clique potentials
Example – bidirectional chains
Y1 Y2 … Yi … When will dr Cohen post the notes
DN chains … … How do we do inference? Iteratively:
Yi … When will dr Cohen post the notes How do we do inference? Iteratively: Pick values for Y1, Y2, …at random Pick some j, and compute Set new value of Yj according to this Go back to (2) Current values
This an MCMC process Transition probability General case … … Markov Chain Monte Carlo: a randomized process that doesn’t depend on previous y’s changes y(t) to y(t+1) One particular run … … How do we do inference? Iteratively: Pick values for Y1, Y2, …at random: y(0) Pick some j, and compute Set new value of Yj according to this: y(1) Go back to (2) and repeat to get y(1) , y(2) , …, y(t) , … Current values (t)
This an MCMC process … … Claim: suppose Y(t) is drawn from some distribution D such that Then Y(t+1) is also drawn from D (i.e., the random flip doesn’t move us “away from D”
This an MCMC process … … “Burn-in”
Claim: if you wait long enough then for some t, Y(t) will be drawn from some distribution D such that …under certain reasonable conditions (e.g., graph of potential edges is connected, …). So D is a “sink”.
averaged for prediction
This an MCMC process … … “burn-in” - discarded averaged for prediction An algorithm: Run the MCMC chain for a long time t, and hope that Y(t) will be drawn from the target distribution D. Run the MCMC chain for a while longer and save sample S = { Y(t) , Y(t+1) , …, Y(t+m) } Use S to answer any probabilistic queries like Pr(Yj|X)
More on MCMC This particular process is Gibbs sampling
Transition probabilities are defined by sampling from the posterior of one variable Yj given the others. MCMC is very general-purpose inference scheme (and sometimes very slow) On the plus side, learning is relatively cheap, since there’s no inference involved (!) A dependency net is closely related to a Markov random field learned by maximizing pseudo-likelihood Identical? Statistical relation learning community has some proponents of this approach: Pedro Domingos, David Jensen, … A big advantage is the generality of the approach Sparse learners (eg L1 regularized maxent, decision trees, …) can be used to infer Markov blanket (NIPS 2006)
Examples Y1 Y2 … Yi … When will dr Cohen post the notes
Examples … … POS? … … BIO Z1 Z2 Zi Y1 Y2 Yi will dr post the notes
When will dr Cohen post the notes
Examples Y1 Y2 … Yi … When will dr Cohen post the notes
Dependency nets The bad and the ugly:
Inference is less efficient –MCMC sampling Can’t reconstruct probability via chain rule Networks might be inconsistent ie local P(x|pa(x))’s don’t define a pdf Exactly equal, representationally, to normal undirected Markov nets
Dependency nets The good:
Learning is simple and elegant (if you know each node’s Markov blanket): just learn a probabilistic classifier for P(X|pa(X)) for each node X. (You might not learn a consistent model, but you’ll probably learn a reasonably good one.) Inference can be speeded up substantially over naïve Gibbs sampling.
Dependency nets Learning is simple and elegant (if you know each node’s Markov blanket): just learn a probabilistic classifier for P(X|pa(X)) for each node X. Pr(y1|x,y2) Pr(y2|x,y1,y2) Pr(y3|x,y2,y4) Pr(y4|x,y3) y1 y2 y3 y4 Learning is local, but inference is not, and need not be unidirectional x
Toutanova, Klein, Manning, Singer
Dependency nets for POS tagging vs CMM’s. Maxent is used for local conditional model. Goals: An easy-to-train bidirectional model A really good POS tagger
Toutanova et al D = {11, 11, 11, 12, 21, 33} ML state: {11}
Don’t use Gibbs sampling for inference: instead use a Viterbi variant (which is not guaranteed to produce the ML sequence) D = {11, 11, 11, 12, 21, 33} ML state: {11} P(a=1|b=1)P(b=1|a=1) < 1 P(a=3|b=3)P(b=3|a=3) = 1
Results with model
Results with model
Results with model “Best” model includes some special unknown-word features, including “a crude company-name detector”
Results with model MXPost: 47.6, 96.4, 86.2 CRF+: 95.7, 76.4
Final test-set results MXPost: 47.6, 96.4, CRF+: 95.7, 76.4 (Ratnaparki) (Lafferty et al ICML2001)
Other comments Smoothing (quadratic regularization, aka Gaussian prior) is important—it avoids overfitting effects reported elsewhere
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