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Fig. 2. The role of sma in cell migration

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1 Fig. 2. The role of sma in cell migration
Fig. 2. The role of sma in cell migration.Chemotaxis of growing cells towards folic acid was analyzed. The role of sma in cell migration.Chemotaxis of growing cells towards folic acid was analyzed. (A) Values of velocity (µm/min), directionality, and the chemotactic index for the indicated cell types. Cells were tracked on agar with images acquired every 20 seconds for 5 minutes. A minimum of at least 20 cells for each strain was tracked in 3 different rounds of chemotaxis on different days. *Indicates a significant difference of sma− strains compared to WT or ampAOE parental strains with P<0.05 using a Student's t-test. Chemotaxis to cAMP was measured using 6-hour developing cells. (B) Chemotaxis plots from representative fields. The direction and distance of each cell from its origin at t = 0 is shown. The location of the source of chemoattractant is indicated in each plot by a gray star. Jessica S. Kelsey, and Daphne D. Blumberg Biology Open 2013;2: © Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd

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