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Southland Interagency Forum 26 October 2018

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1 Southland Interagency Forum 26 October 2018
UPR Presentation Southland Interagency Forum 26 October 2018 1

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3 About Southland Makes up 2.1% of total NZ population
Third highest GDP per person in NZ with $57,785 per person (March 2017 Economy worth $5.7 billion (March 2017) 3

4 Issue The closure of branch offices of government departments and banks, particularly in rural Southland, has aggravated the sense and actuality of isolation. 4

5 Recommendations Address the needs of Rural Populations as identified by Health Impact Assessments (or other equal measures) to ensure fiscal and resource distribution allocations are made in accordance with the International Covenant of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Implement the gradual introduction of Universal Basic Income, as currently administered via NZ Superannuation, starting with children, then the jobless and then the general population. Intensify central and local government investment in community social housing providers to engage regional economic development groups to better meet social housing demand and align housing standards with the proposed Warrant of Fitness for housing stock. 5

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