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Zoning By-law Start-up Meeting Tuesday, June 4, 2019

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Presentation on theme: "Zoning By-law Start-up Meeting Tuesday, June 4, 2019"— Presentation transcript:

1 Zoning By-law Start-up Meeting Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Jamie Robinson, BES,MCIP, RPP - Partner

2 Presentation Overview
Purpose of a Zoning By-law Current Zoning By-law in Effect Examples of Current Zoning By-law Potential Considerations Timeline and Next Steps Questions and Comments

3 Purpose of Zoning By-law
To implement the policies of the Official Plan. To prescribe how land may be used, where buildings and other structures can be located, the types of buildings that are permitted. Defines ‘right of use’.

4 Zoning By-law Approach
The Zoning By-law is a permissive document. Existing uses, buildings and structures are “grandfathered” Determined permitted uses based on existing uses. Permitted uses are sometimes categorical in nature which provides flexibility. The Zoning By-law can be amended to reflect changing trends.

5 Current By-law Structure
Section 1 Interpretation Section 2 Definitions Section 3 General Provisions Section 4 Zones Section 5 Special Zones Section 6 Holding Provisions and Temporary Use By-laws Section 7 Administration

6 Definition Example DWELLING UNIT means a group of rooms used or designed or intended to be used by one or more persons as a single, independent and separate housekeeping establishment in which food preparation and sanitary facilities are provided for the exclusive use of such person or persons; and which has a private entrance from outside the building or from a common hallway inside the building.

7 General Provisions Examples

8 General Provisions Examples

9 Current Zone Categories
Boathouse (BH) Commercial Commercial, General (C1) Commercial, Highway and Tourist (C2) Commercial, Resort (C3) Environmental Protection (EP) Hazard (HAZ) Industrial Industrial, Extractive (MX) Industrial, General (M1)

10 Current Zone Categories
Open Space (OS) Residential Residential, Estate (RE) Residential, Hamlet (RH) Shoreline Residential (SR) Limited Service Residential (LSR) Rural (RU) Special Zone (SZ) Waste Disposal (WD)



13 Examples of Current Schedules



16 Official Plan Zoning By-law

17 Lot Diagrams

18 Lot Diagrams

19 Lot Diagrams

20 Potential Considerations
Add additional setbacks for Septic Systems (e.g. Side, Road, Front, Rear). Adjust the definition of a Septic System. Add setbacks and refine permitted uses for Environmental Protection Zones. Add Secondary Dwelling Units as a permitted use in appropriate Zones. Add new performance standards for Secondary Dwelling Units. Adjust regulations regarding the conversion of a Recreational Dwelling Unit to a Permanent Dwelling.

21 Potential Considerations
Add Recreational Dwelling Units as a permitted use to SR and LSR Zones. Clarify side yard setback for Open Roofed Sundecks attached to Dwellings. Refine the definition of a Hunt Camp. Yurts – new regulations. Update Storage Container provisions. Adjust separation between accessory buildings and dwellings. Update Lake Nipissing Flood Plain. Update details regarding summer storage for Ice Bungalows.

22 Timeline For discussion.

23 Questions/Comments

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