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NEAR-CONTACT BINARY V836 Cygni Çanakkale, 2004

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Presentation on theme: "NEAR-CONTACT BINARY V836 Cygni Çanakkale, 2004"— Presentation transcript:

1 NEAR-CONTACT BINARY V836 Cygni Çanakkale, 2004

2 Observations Ege University Obs. (30 cm.)
Turkish National Obs. (40 cm.) Date range: U B V filters

3 No brightness deficiency at 0.5(Zhukov & Markova1994)but at ~1.1

4 Before the analysis Mode definition for WD code
Evidence for (semi-detached?) configuration Breinhorst et al.(1989): “detached, but...” f2=0.98 ±0.02




8 f1= Ωcr= > f2=

9 *f(m) : Durbeck & Schumann (1982)

10 NCB test: the criteria P < 1 day 
Facing surfaces < 0.1 orb. radius apart X Not in contact  1 component at or near its Roche lobe  Hotter: A v F ; cooler: 1 v 2 later  Agreement in M-R-L relations of [Hilditch etal.(1988)]  Two comp. lines parallel to the ZAMS [Oh et al. (2000)] ? Harmony in M-R-L relations of collected data  Shaw (1994)

11 NCB   A   W X x

12 NCB  A  W X

13 Classification for 836 Shaw (1994)

14 about Evolution Disadvantage: Single-lined, only f(m) FO Vir type
A. if come close enough to transfer required energy from hot to cool, photospere of the cool comp. is getting hot then A-type W UMa system. Shaw (1994) !!(AML by magnetic breaking is needed)

15 B. Longer-period detached system
via Case-A mass transfer semi-detached (836 is here) marginal contact (not in thermal eq.) the deeper contact A-type W UMa system [Hilditch etal.(1988), Budding(1984)]

16 NCB   A   W X x

17 Problems and Future Single-lined spectrae.
Prevent the morphology from varying study to study, by reducing the errors. Eg. q range: q= Ω cr= near R.L. q=0.358 (10) Ω cr= at R.L. q= Ω cr= at R.L. AML: “ The secondaries of FO Vir types must be undermassive”.



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