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Presentation on theme: "COUNTER ARGUMENT THE OPPOSITION!."— Presentation transcript:


2 When you counter argue.. You consider a possible argument AGAINST your thesis/opinion You first TURN AGAINST your own opinion You then RETURN to your own argument to defend it This all occurs within the same paragraph

3 The TURN AGAINST Think of your target audience..who are you trying to convince of your position? Think of what your audience would say about YOUR position…remember they are speaking AGAINST what your opinion is!

4 The Turn Against..Possible Phrases
“One might object here that….” “It’s true that…” “Admittedly…” “I realize that…” “I understand you might feel differently about…” “I am aware of….” “Many people may think….”

5 Counter Argument Example: Bear Hunt
Thesis: The recent NJ bear hunt was an unnecessary measure to reduce the bear population. (My opinion) COUNTER ARGUMENT: “I realize that the bear popluation has increased and bears have become a nuisance to populated, residential areas in NJ.”

6 THE TURN BACK Return to your own argument/opinion
Within the same paragraph as the Turn Against Use careful reasoning Show why the opposition is mistaken Acknowledge that the opposing argument is valid, but suggest why it’s less important than your thesis/opinion

7 The Turn Back Possible Transition Words/Phrases
…but …yet …however …nevertheless …still …but I believe …the facts state …I urge you to

8 Example of Counter argument with Turn Against and Turn Back
Thesis: The recent NJ bear hunt was an unnecessary measure to reduce the bear population. Counter argument with Turn Against and Turn Back: “I realize that the bear population has increased and bears have become a nuisance to populated, residential areas in NJ, however, slaughtering hundreds of bears for sport is an act of animal cruelty. Other humane measures such as proper waste disposal would be more effective.”


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