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Cartoon analysis.

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1 Cartoon analysis

2 Directions In your groups, you will read the information under each cartoon and discussion the visual elements and arguments of each cartoon. Answer 1, 3, 4 for each question Discuss and decide #2 with your group Complete #5 Write a Topic sentence, evidence and analysis for one cartoon


4 Writing visual analysis
Topic Sentence: What is one thing the cartoonist is trying to prove? Evidence: Give context and quick description of the element Analysis: answer these questions in any order Label the element (is it contrast, symbol, stereotype, color, etc.?) What is important about the element? How does the element function? How does this relate to the real world? Connect this to the topic sentence and overall argument

5 Example Thesis: Amnesty International argues that the use of child soldiers is a human rights violation that should be acknowledged and corrected by the global community. Topic sentence: The use of child soldiers eliminates the innocence of youth. Evidence: The use of the see-saw hinging upon the base of a bullet with children pointing guns at one another provides a strong antithetical statement arguing the loss of innocence in child soldiers. Analysis: This juxtaposition contrasts the childlike innocence of the see-saw game in which normally the children work together to have fun. Contrarily here, the children point guns at one another representing the reality of child soldiers who must do the same. This shatters the innocence of the children on the see-saw, thus showing the detrimental affects of becoming a soldier on young boys and girls in African countries where the use of child soldiers is normal. The violence implied by the bullet at the base of the see-saw only emphasizes the violence these children are forced to witness and commit. The contrast is shocking; the guns and bullet are out of place in a playground setting, highlighting the atrocity of this practice. With such violence, it becomes obvious that child soldiers can no longer engage in childish and innocent games. They have become hardened adults too soon, their innocence snatched away from them too early by war. With this emphatic appeal, Amnesty International seeks to shock the world community and begs the world to step in to stop this heinous injustice.

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