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Population: Income and Impact

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Presentation on theme: "Population: Income and Impact"— Presentation transcript:

1 Population: Income and Impact
Total Fertility and Income Worldwide What is the relationship?

2 Population in the Developing and Developed World
Which countries make up the majority of the world’s population? Developed or Developing?

3 Ecological Footprint Which countries have the largest ecological footprint? What is it? Developed or Developing?

4 IPAT Developed by Barry Commoner, Paul Ehrlich, and John Holdren
Impact equals (population) (affluence) (technology)

5 What resources are most overused as population increases?

6 GDP Market value of goods and services produced in a country with in a year Developing countries have low GDP and Per Capita Income Gross Domestic Product - most commonly used measure of a nation’s wealth

7 What is the difference between primary and secondary succession?
Soil is present in secondary succession. The process occurs faster in secondary succession Under what conditions would primary succession be observed?

8 What is terrestrial succession?
Series of vegetation changes over time and aquatic ecosystems diminish

9 What is a pioneer community?

10 What is the difference between intraspecific and interspecific competition?
Native and Red Ants Springboks

11 How does competition affect the niche of a species?
The realized niche is smaller than the fundamental niche

12 What strategy does this fish use to avoid predators?

13 Stable Ecosystems contain: 1. a constant energy source 2
Stable Ecosystems contain: 1. a constant energy source 2. nutrient cycling 3. population control 4. biodiversity

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