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Presentation on theme: "Minerals!!!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Minerals!!!

2 Minerals inorganic elements that come from the soil and water and are absorbed by plants or eaten by animals *You may need some minerals in large amounts (calcium), while others only in trace amounts*

3 Calcium Benefits vital in building bones & teeth
most bone growth in childhood & teens (density) to prevent osteoporosis later in life (bones easily break) Sources dairy broccoli & dark leafy greens soy foods fortified with calcium life OJ Quantity teens needs 1,300mg a day

4 Iron Benefits helps red blood cells carry oxygen
iron deficiency is called anemia, symptoms can include weakness, fatigue, lightheadedness, and shortness of breath Sources red meats fish & shellfish lentils, beans & soy raisins dark leafy greens fortified cereals Quantity teens guys need 11mg a day teen girls need 15mg a day (higher because of blood loss during period)

5 Magnesium Benefits helps muscles & nerves function
steadies heart rhythm keeps bones strong helps body create energy and make proteins Sources whole grains green leafy veggies beans potatoes milk avocados chocolate bananas Quantity teen guys need 410mg a day teen girls need 360mg a day

6 Phosphorous Benefits helps form healthy bones & teeth
helps body make energy part of every cell membrane (all cells need it to function normally) Sources most foods best sources are dairy, meat and fish Quantity teens should have 1,250mg a day

7 Potassium Benefits helps muscle & nervous system function
helps body maintain balance of water in blood & body tissues Sources found in broccoli potato skins green leafy veggies citrus bananas dried fruit dried beans Quantity teens should have 4,700mg a day

8 Zinc Benefits helps with normal growth, strong immunity & wound healing Sources red meat poultry oysters & other seafood nuts dried beans soy dairy whole grains fortified breakfast cereals Quantity -teen guys need 11mg a day -teen girls need 9mg a day

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