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A study in Families Ruth.

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1 A study in Families Ruth

2 If my spouse were to die, I would most likely
Live alone Move in with my parents Move in with my in-laws

3 If my spouse were to die, according to the Law of Moses, I would…
Marry my spouse’s sibling or relative Never marry again

4 If I wanted to marry someone but found out they were promised to someone else, I would….
Offer to buy the rights to him/her Beat the other person up Beat the other person down Let the person I love make the decision and then deal with it

5 Watch

6 Ruth 1:6-18 Do you have anyone in your life that you feel that strongly about? Ruth 1:19-22 Have you ever been dealt with bitterly in life?

7 “A model of ideal womanhood is Ruth
“A model of ideal womanhood is Ruth. Sensing the grief-stricken heart of her mother-in-law Naomi—who suffered the loss of each of her two fine sons—feeling perhaps the pangs of despair and loneliness that plagued the very soul of Naomi, Ruth uttered what has become that classic statement of loyalty: “Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God.” Ruth’s actions demonstrated the sincerity of her words.

8 “Through Ruth’s undeviating loyalty to Naomi, she was to marry Boaz, by which she—the foreigner and Moabite convert—became a great- grandmother of David and, therefore, an ancestor of our Savior Jesus Christ.” President Thomas S. Monson

9 Ruth 2:1 Ruth 2:4 Ruth 2:12-14 Ruth 2:20 footnote b Ruth 4:4, 9-10
What kind of man was Boaz? Ruth 2:4 Where did Boaz come from? Ruth 2:12-14 What Invitation did Boaz extend to Ruth? Ruth 2:20 footnote b What is another title for Boaz? Ruth 4:4, 9-10 To whom did Boaz restore everything?

10 Let’s Apply It

11 Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God
Ordained = established, appointed, decreed What are some reasons for this? See “True to the Faith” topic: Family par.4-6,8 Marriage par.1-2

12 See “True to the Faith” topic:
What type of relationship should exist between a husband and wife? See “True to the Faith” topic: Family par.8-9 Marriage pg

13 See “True to the Faith” topic:
What commandments has God given those who are married as husband and wife? See “True to the Faith” topic: Family par. 7 Marriage par. 5

14 See “True to the Faith” topic:
What blessings are reserved for individuals who remain faithful to their temple covenants? See “True to the Faith” topic: Marriage par. 3-4

15 What can you do to strengthen your family?

16 Ruth A study in Families
Ruth’s actions demonstrated the sincerity of her words There is place for her name in the Hall of Fame.”

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