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The Rehab Expertise Center for Music & Dance (REC-MD)

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Presentation on theme: "The Rehab Expertise Center for Music & Dance (REC-MD)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rehab Expertise Center for Music & Dance (REC-MD)
Welcome to this DVD. It is a instruction movie with 22 different chapters one can look for, separately from each other. The DVD is about functional breathing in its context; we call it the total breathing concept. What this will mean, will be explained in this DVD. In this introduction I will tell you about the history of the conception of this project, the goals and a short explanation about the content of this DVD. Hans Boschma and I would like to invite you to watch all chapters, not in one time because it takes 3,5 hours. We think that the total is more than the product of the separated chapters. We hope you will enjoy the content of this DVD dr. Kees Hein Woldendorp Rehabilitation physician 24th April 2019

2 Speaker Disclosure potential conflicts of interest
None / See below  Voor bijeenkomst mogelijk relevante relaties met bedrijven Bedrijfsnamen Sponsoring of onderzoeksgeld Honorarium of andere (financiële) vergoeding Aandeelhouder Andere relatie, namelijk …  Revalidatie Friesland Unfortunately no conflict of interest: music medicine has no third flow of funds. Opinions more than welcome!

3 Overview presentation
Examples of rehab & music/dance Epidemiology of music medicine Science & music medicine 40 years of rehab & music/dance at Revalidatie Friesland Welcome to this DVD. It is a instruction movie with 22 different chapters one can look for, separately from each other. The DVD is about functional breathing in its context; we call it the total breathing concept. What this will mean, will be explained in this DVD. In this introduction I will tell you about the history of the conception of this project, the goals and a short explanation about the content of this DVD. Hans Boschma and I would like to invite you to watch all chapters, not in one time because it takes 3,5 hours. We think that the total is more than the product of the separated chapters. We hope you will enjoy the content of this DVD

4 Overview presentation
Examples of rehab & music/dance Epidemiology of music medicine Science & music medicine 40 years of rehab & music/dance at Revalidatie Friesland Welcome to this DVD. It is a instruction movie with 22 different chapters one can look for, separately from each other. The DVD is about functional breathing in its context; we call it the total breathing concept. What this will mean, will be explained in this DVD. In this introduction I will tell you about the history of the conception of this project, the goals and a short explanation about the content of this DVD. Hans Boschma and I would like to invite you to watch all chapters, not in one time because it takes 3,5 hours. We think that the total is more than the product of the separated chapters. We hope you will enjoy the content of this DVD

5 4 examples

6 Casus 1: “Aphasia & music”

7 Casus 2: “Parkinson & Dance”

8 Casus 3: Adaptive way of making music

9 Casus 4: “Musician & dysfunction/pain”

10 Overview presentation
Examples of rehab & music/dance Epidemiology of music medicine Science & music medicine 40 years of rehab & music/dance at Revalidatie Friesland Welcome to this DVD. It is a instruction movie with 22 different chapters one can look for, separately from each other. The DVD is about functional breathing in its context; we call it the total breathing concept. What this will mean, will be explained in this DVD. In this introduction I will tell you about the history of the conception of this project, the goals and a short explanation about the content of this DVD. Hans Boschma and I would like to invite you to watch all chapters, not in one time because it takes 3,5 hours. We think that the total is more than the product of the separated chapters. We hope you will enjoy the content of this DVD

11 Music medicine Medical treatment with music
Medical treatment of musicians (with or without music) Welcome to this DVD. It is a instruction movie with 22 different chapters one can look for, separately from each other. The DVD is about functional breathing in its context; we call it the total breathing concept. What this will mean, will be explained in this DVD. In this introduction I will tell you about the history of the conception of this project, the goals and a short explanation about the content of this DVD. Hans Boschma and I would like to invite you to watch all chapters, not in one time because it takes 3,5 hours. We think that the total is more than the product of the separated chapters. We hope you will enjoy the content of this DVD

12 Application of music in medicine
Music Therapy AND Rehabilitation: 1675 hits Application in all medical specialties < oral presentation Wya Feenstra, rehabilitation physician, Rev. Friesland, 2010 >

13 And the gong at the end makes them open their eyes well
Sound art makes patients calm for cataract surgery And the gong at the end makes them open their eyes well Bron: Medisch Contact

14 Physiological effects
lower heart rate, breath rate and blood pressure pain-reducing effect anxiety reduction < 23 RCT’s; meta-analysis >

15 Music in rehabilitation
Training of motor function Support of breathing (lung-rehab) In musician’s dystonie (MMTM) In aphasie or verbal apraxia (SMTA) Relaxation Self-estheem Form of psychotherapy Social aspects: hobby, social contacts

16 Support of breathing Breathing-therapy by playing a wind instrument
Pilotstudie Rotterdam: practical, good motivation (8/10), pleasant form of therapy (8,3/10)

17 K.H. Woldendorp, rehabilitation physician Birmingham, sept.2018
One handed musicianship, more than a gimmick?! There is more possible than you think! K.H. Woldendorp, rehabilitation physician Birmingham, sept.2018 Woldendorp KH, van Gils W. Med Probl Perform Art Dec;27(4):231-7.

18 Functions (adaptive) music making
Similar to (adaptive) sports: Motor function training (rehabilitation, bimanual training) Hobby at home (besides watching TV, reading) Profession/financial income Social aspects (playing together with other people) Emotional expression/regulation Confirmation identity / self-confidence

19 Epidemiological data ‘music in medicine’
660 music therapists in NL 80% women 67% employment in institution 50 (7%) (partime) in rehabilitation; 10% at RF Too few references from doctors to investigate Rehab.physicians: – ‘Unknown makes unloved’: PR! < Dutch Society of Music Therapy, 2013>

20 Data about musicians in the Netherlands
20% of western populations are active in music or dance (2 million of musicians, prof) 20% of the patient population?! Few requests for help in the area of adaptive music making for many reasons : E.g. not knowing that you can ask for, due to reference patient and instrument maker Adaptive making of music: much is possible!

21 Musicians Humans without any connection with music: very rare
Medical effects In prehistory already instruments (flute/drum) First complex instruments >2,000 years ago 1880: intensification of performance and sound level more problems in musicians 1713: first description of occupational diseases in musicians 1789: first report of music therapy

22 Overview presentation
Examples of rehab & music/dance Epidemiology of music medicine Science & music medicine 40 years of rehab & music/dance at Revalidatie Friesland Welcome to this DVD. It is a instruction movie with 22 different chapters one can look for, separately from each other. The DVD is about functional breathing in its context; we call it the total breathing concept. What this will mean, will be explained in this DVD. In this introduction I will tell you about the history of the conception of this project, the goals and a short explanation about the content of this DVD. Hans Boschma and I would like to invite you to watch all chapters, not in one time because it takes 3,5 hours. We think that the total is more than the product of the separated chapters. We hope you will enjoy the content of this DVD

23 Start of MPPA MPPA indexed Rudolf Steiner - Chris Jansen -

24 Journals

25 The Netherlands: 4th position
- Chris Jansen -

26 Number of citations/article/country
The Netherlands: 3th position. - Chris Jansen -

27 Overview presentation
Examples of rehab & music/dance Epidemiology of music medicine Science & music medicine 40 years of rehab & music/dance at Revalidatie Friesland Welcome to this DVD. It is a instruction movie with 22 different chapters one can look for, separately from each other. The DVD is about functional breathing in its context; we call it the total breathing concept. What this will mean, will be explained in this DVD. In this introduction I will tell you about the history of the conception of this project, the goals and a short explanation about the content of this DVD. Hans Boschma and I would like to invite you to watch all chapters, not in one time because it takes 3,5 hours. We think that the total is more than the product of the separated chapters. We hope you will enjoy the content of this DVD

28 - pain& dysfunction in musicians -
Start of outpatient clinic for musicians at RF Madeleen de Bruijn at RF Start of REC-MD at RF 1972 1976 1984 1990 1994 1998 2012 2013 2016 2017 2018 2019 - pain& dysfunction in musicians - Kees Hein Woldendorp PhD PhD Joost Hurkmans - SMTA- Music Therapy in child rehab Music Therapy in adult rehab Wya Feenstra - Dance on receipt - IEPE Congress

29 Music & Dance at RF - 2019 - A lot of expertise Network
Patient care (musicians/dancers/music/dance) Education (books, instruction video’s, courses, symposia..) Research (publications) Network Regional, national, international With (applied) universities, music/dance institutions, orchestras, instrument constructors, orthopedic instrument makers Exchange programs (‘internships’ for students, therapists and doctors)

30 Interdisciplinary team of the REC-MD
Manager Doctors Staff member Secretary / planning Physiotherapists Medical social worker Psychologist Speech therapist Music therapists Occupational therapists

31 The next step is ….! Revalidatie Expertise Centrum M& D

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