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Run 12 Sea Quark Polarization:
Data analysis by using W → μ Chong Kim Korea University 1 / RIKEN 2 1 Department of Physics, Korea University, Seoul , South Korea 2 RIKEN, 2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama , Japan for the PHENIX collaboration Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop 2013
Outline PHENIX Muon Arms W → μ analysis Summary and Perspectives
W physics Detectors and Recent Runs W → μ analysis Preselection W likelihood Composing PDFs S/BG ratio estimation Single spin asymmetry (AL) Summary and Perspectives
1. PHENIX Muon Arms – a. W physics
ALW+ = Δ𝑢 𝑥 1 𝑑 𝑥 2 − Δ 𝑑 𝑥 1 𝑢( 𝑥 2 ) 𝑢 𝑥 1 𝑑 𝑥 𝑑 𝑥 1 𝑢( 𝑥 2 ) ~ Δ𝑢 𝑥 1 𝑢 𝑥 1 ( 𝑥 1 ≫ 𝑥 2 ) or ~ − Δ 𝑑 𝑥 1 𝑑 𝑥 1 ( 𝑥 2 ≫ 𝑥 1 ) * Swap u and d for W-case ALW = 1 𝑃 × 𝑁 − 𝑊 − 𝑁 + 𝑊 𝑁 − 𝑊 + 𝑁 + 𝑊 ALW : Single spin asymmetry P : Beam polarization 𝑁 −(+) (W) : # of events contains leptons decayed from W with corresponding helicity (negative/positive) in real experiment, * un-polarized: integrated for certain beam W physics in RHIC/PHENIX Target maximal parity-violating W bosons produced via polarized p – unpolarized p collision Measure the Single spin asymmetry (AL) of the quark, by using leptons directly decayed from W bosons Advantages: Fixed flavor combination: full flavor separated measurements No dependence on fragmentation functions: direct and clean signal
1. PHENIX Muon Arms – b. Detectors and Recent Runs
μ D. Florian and W. Vogelsang PRD81, Recent longitudinally polarized pp runs Year √s L (pb-1) P (%) FoM (P2L) 2009 500 8.6 39 1.3 2011 16.7 48 3.8 2012 510 31.5 51.9 8.5 2013 146.0 55 44.2 * Int. L under condition of |Vertex z| < 30 cm * Previous/Current speaker related Run PHENIX Muon Arms (2013) Acceptance: 1.2 < |η| < 2.2 (S) / 2.4 (N) and Δφ = 2π Tracking: FVTX, MuTR Triggering and PID: MuID and RPCs Radial B field: 0.72 (T·m) at θ = 15˚
2. W → μ analysis – a. Preselection
Preselection of μ candidates from data: by using Basic cut to several signal-sensitive Kinematic variables Kinematic variables: χ2, DCAr , Rpc1DCA, Rpc3DCA, DG0, DDG0 Basic cut: requirements for rough μ identification Apply loose requirements to χ2, DG0, and DDG0 16 < pT < 60 (GeV) Last recorded hit in the MuID gap = 4 (5th and last) x y Track MuTR St 1 DCAr 1 2 3 4 RPC1 MuTR MuID RPC3 Track z DDG0 DG0 Rpc3DCA Rpc1DCA
2. W → μ analysis – a. Preselection
Total data composition - Size: surviving events - Green: W events - Violet: μ BG - Cyan: Hadronic BG Before preselection After data μ backgrounds W signal MC simulation (PYTHIA + PISA) Hadron backgrounds Samples MC simulation (PYTHIA + PISA): Signal: W → μ and Z → μ μ backgrounds: Direct γ, Quarkonium, Opencharm, Openbottom, W → hadron/tau, and Z → hadron/tau Hadronic BG MC is not available for now data (pp510 Run 12): Sampled luminosity: 42 pb-1 Still background dominant after preselection
2. W → μ analysis – b. W likelihood
χ2, DCAr, Rpc1DCA, Rpc3DCA, DG0, DDG0 (preselected signal-sensitive kinematic variables) data μ backgrounds W signal MC simulation (PYTHIA + PISA) Compose 1st PDFs (Probability Density Function): λ = p(χ2) · p(DCAr) · p(Rpc1DCA) · p(Rpc3DCA) · p(DG0, DDG0) W likelihood = 𝜆 𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛𝑎𝑙 ( 𝑥 𝑖 ) 𝜆 𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛𝑎𝑙 ( 𝑥 𝑖 )+ 𝜆 𝐵𝐺 ( 𝑥 𝑖 ) South Arm, W - → μ- Data Signal (PYTHIA + PISA) Signal + μ backgrounds (PYTHIA + PISA) Hadronic backgrounds (fakes)
2. W → μ analysis – c. Composing PDFs
Define variables for fit: η and dw23 Scale each sample by luminosity Preselected kinematic variables data μ BG W MC 1st PDFs by each variables W likelihood * dw23 (reduced azimuthal bending) ≡ pT × sin θ × dφ23 x y MuTR St 2 St 3 z θ dφ23 W MC, South Arm, W - → μ- η dw23 A.U Projection to η Projection to dw23 W likelihood > 0.92
2. W → μ analysis – c. Composing PDFs
Preselected kinematic variables data μ BG W MC 1st PDFs by each variables W likelihood Define variables for fit: η and dw23 then collect samples satisfying W likelihood cut (ex. > 0.92) Scale each sample by luminosity Compose 2nd PDFs by using η and dw23: λ signal (η, dw23) by W MC λ μ BG (η, dw23) by μ background MC λ Hadronic BG (η, dw23) by driven from data Total data composition - Size: surviving events - Green: W events - Violet: μ BG - Cyan: Hadronic BG Compose final combined PDF: λ final → perform unbinned maximum likelihood fit
2. W → μ analysis – c. Composing PDFs
Data-driven Hadron backgrounds distribution in region of interest Unlike η, shape of dw23 sensitively varies by W likelihood Extrapolate expected HBG distribution on ROI: perform 2D fit by using pol4 (W likelihood) and coaxial double Gaussian (dw23)
2. W → μ analysis – d. S/BG ratio estimation
2D unbinned max. likelihood fit: ← 1D projections onto each variable Signal (fit): W → μ and Z → μ μ backgrounds (fixed): sum of various channels of μ BG (L scaled & total efficiency corrected) Hadronic backgrounds (fit) Estimated S/BG ratio (preliminary)
2. W → μ analysis – e. Single spin asymmetry (AL)
ALW+ = Δ𝑢 𝑥 1 𝑑 𝑥 2 − Δ 𝑑 𝑥 1 𝑢( 𝑥 2 ) 𝑢 𝑥 1 𝑑 𝑥 𝑑 𝑥 1 𝑢( 𝑥 2 ) ~ Δ𝑢 𝑥 1 𝑢 𝑥 1 ( 𝑥 1 ≫ 𝑥 2 ) or ~ − Δ 𝑑 𝑥 1 𝑑 𝑥 1 ( 𝑥 2 ≫ 𝑥 1 ) * Swap u and d for W-case Sampled Luminosity (pb-1): Run 12: 42 Run 13: 228 Run 12 preliminary Beam combined asymmetries for mid / forward rapidity WRT η mean Shows optimistic agreement with theoretic expectation
3. Summary and Perspectives
W physics in RHIC/PHENIX: target better constraint on flavor-decomposed sea quark polarization Longitudinally polarized pp in PHENIX: Total achieved int. L: ~ 200 pb-1 Avg. beam polarization: > 50 % W → μ in PHENIX Muon Arms: Main analysis method: Backgrounds dominant in region of interest: estimation of direct S/BG ratio is impossible Estimation of S/BG ratio by using unbinned maximum likelihood fit Major challenge: separation of Hadronic backgrounds from in-flight decay Estimated S/BG ratio: ~ 0.2 to ~ 0.4, varies by side and charge Single spin asymmetry: shows optimistic agreement to the theoretic expectation
3. Summary and Perspectives
Refine current using factors: efficiency tune, various cross checks… Inclusion of FVTX matching variables: 3 additional high-precision variables available Looking forward enhanced statistics in region of interest as well as reduced error Major update required for the proper integration: now ongoing χ2, DCAr, Rpc1DCA, Rpc3DCA, DG0, DDG0 + FVTX_dr, FVTX_dφ, FVTX_dθ data μ backgrounds W signal MC simulation (PYTHIA + PISA) … FVTX event display
Backup u d Spin crisis: Proton spin sum rule: Polarized DIS/SIDIS:
D. de Florian et al, PRD (2009) d u Spin crisis: proton spin is not a simple sum of its constituent quarks (quark spin contribution to the total: < 40 %) Proton spin sum rule: 1 2 = ΔΣ + ΔG + Lz , where ΔΣ (quark spin contribution) = (Δu + Δ u ) + (Δd + Δ d ) + (Δs + Δ s ) ΔG (gluon spin contribution) = 0 1 Δg x, Q2 dx Lz (orbital angular momenta) = Lq + Lg Polarized DIS/SIDIS: Flavor-combined PDFs (ex. Δu + Δ u )) is well known, while their flavor-separated PDF is only known with large uncertainties Still better constraint on sea quark polarization is required
Backup – W measurement in PHENIX
If W pdoruction processed only through (a), If processed only through (b), In general, the asymmetry is a superposition of two cases: * To obtain the asymmetry for W-, swap u and d
Backup – Forward μ trigger upgrade
MuTRG ADTX MRG Level 1 Trigger Board MuTr FEE Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC) (φ segmented) B 2 planes 5% 95% Interaction Region Rack Room Optical 1.2Gbps Amp/Discri. Transmit Data Merge RPC Trigger events with straight track (e.g. Dstrip <= 1) RPC / MuTRG data are also recorded on disk
Backup – Central Arm W analysis
𝐸𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑒− 𝐸𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝐸𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑒 <10 (%)
Backup – μ backgrounds
Backup – μ backgrounds
Backup – W likelihood distribution
Backup – MC Production statistics and Luminosity
Ref (low) pytune100 k factor # of gen events (M) x-section (mb) luminosity (pb-1) data (common) 1.5 N/A 43 dy (direct photon) 11600 5.32E-002 218.0 light 311.1 5.94E+001 0.0 onium 32910 1.35E-001 243.8 openbottom 1552 7.30E-003 212.6 opencharm 145940 5.71E-001 255.6 w 65.1 1.66E-006 whad 120 wjet 11.9 1.20E-006 9916.7 wtau 118 z 81.5 1.59E-005 5125.8 zjet 1.02E-006 zonly 1.33E-007 Ref (mid) 48510 911.8 152 0.003 69790 517.0 4489 614.9 250830 439.3 451.2 335 13.3 346 253.7 13.2 136.8 Ref (high) 6400 120.3 193.6 55470 410.9 4003 548.4 134220 235.1 173.4 81 8.2 6833.3 82 245.2 8039.2 106.5
Backup – η vs. dw23, by W MC
Backup – η vs. dw23, by μ BG MC
Backup – η vs. dw23, by data (≒ μ BG + Hadronic BG)
Backup – Fit results (preliminary)
Backup – Fit results (preliminary)
Backup – Beam separated/Run11 and 12 AL
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