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Presentation on theme: "WAVE MOTION."— Presentation transcript:


2 WAVE MOTION It is define as the disturbance travelling
In a medium,due to vibratory motion of the medium by virtue of elasticity and Inertia.

3 Types of waves Transverse waves. Longitudnal waves.



6 Wave Equation in 1d u(x, t) = ? Boundary Conditions:
l u u(x, t) = ? Boundary Conditions: Initial Conditions:

7 Impedance matching Wave of zero amplitude Lots of examples
2 common approaches to reduce reflection: l/4 coupler examples: anti-reflection coatings on lenses. Destructive interference of the reflected waves gives a total reflected wave of zero amplitude. Energy conservation gives 100% transmission. Conditions for destructive interference: same amplitude, |Yr| =|Yrtr|, (gives the same reflection coefficient at each surface) out-of-phase by l/2. i.e. l = l/4 (hence name). Note: for an optical system l = l/4 is chosen in the middle of the visible spectrum. Hence the “purple” bloom on coated lenses. Wave of zero amplitude

8 Impedance matching, continued..
Gradual impedance changes change impedance over a distance >> l. infinitesimal reflections at each infinitesimal change in impedance. Lots of small reflections with a large range of phase give a small net resultant reflected wave. Thus, most energy is transmitted. Examples: Bell on trumpet or horn. Microwave horn …etc….


10 Phase Velocity for a massive particle and massless Particle
phase velocity does not describe particle motion

11 Group Velocity=Particle velocity

12 Group Velocity=Particle velocity

13 Relation Between Group Velocity and Phase Velocity


15 This gives us the relation between Phase velocity and Group velocity


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