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Providing Encouragement for Handling Life’s Concerns

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2 Providing Encouragement for Handling Life’s Concerns
Key Outcome of Series: Providing Encouragement for Handling Life’s Concerns that cause us to Struggle with Worry, Anxiety and Fear!

3 How Do You Stop Unstoppable Worry? Joshua 1: 8 Matthew 6: 27

4 each car a different worry,
Imagine… Your Worry feels like a long freight train; each car a different worry, it stretches for miles

5 their worry is out of control;
One feels as though their worry is out of control; it feels like it is impossible not to worry

6 Depicts real-life incident that
2010 Movie “Unstoppable” Depicts real-life incident that occurred on May 15, 2001 Trains air brakes were not attached!

7 Worry can fill our trains boxcars with toxic thoughts that
Faith Struggle: Worry can fill our trains boxcars with toxic thoughts that threaten our hope, joy and peace; derailing the life Jesus has for us!

8 “Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?
Jesus asked: “Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Matthew 6: 27

9 Worry Does not add value
Faith Struggle: Worry Does not add value to our life; Worry Steals our focus, steals our passion, steals our purpose

10 But a good word makes it glad.”
Faith Struggle: “Anxiety in the heart causes depression, But a good word makes it glad.” Proverbs 12: 25

11 The most important DAILY task of a train conductor,
as they attach multiple boxcars, is to ensure every air brake hose is attached!

12 Faith Response: We need help building our mental and spiritual train DAILY!

13 HOW?

14 God’s Guidance to Joshua:
“Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”

15 Neuroscience Research: —75 to 98% of mental,
physical, & behavior illness stems from one’s thoughts!

16 Neuroscience Research:
—Almost 40% of our population worries daily; most always early in morning or late at night

17 a lot about our thought patterns and cared enough
Centuries ago God spoke to Joshua; evidently HE knew a lot about our thought patterns and cared enough to provide us with the spiritual guidance we need!

18 LIFEWAY Research: —Only 19% read Word daily
—25% read it few times weekly —14% read it once a week —22% read it maybe monthly —last 20% not at all

19 God’s Word is Alive… If we meditate on it, His Word will accumulate,
impact, and change our lives for His glory and our good!

20 when God’s Spirit-breathed
Unstoppable Worry Can be Stopped when God’s Spirit-breathed Words Invade our Life!


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