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Pathways in Science at Samuel Whitbread

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1 Pathways in Science at Samuel Whitbread
The new science GCSE will offer us 2 options; Combined Science: Trilogy (worth 2 GCSEs across Biology, Chemistry and Physics) and separate sciences (3 GCSEs, 1 each in Biology, Chemistry and Physics). Year 9 All students start out studying exactly the same content. They will have a two teachers covering content in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Assessments will be on going throughout the year and there will be a mock exam towards the end of year to assess suitability for separate sciences. Year 10 Separate science students will be taught the remainder of the content from combined science and by the end of the year will have finished this course. There will on going assessments and there will be a mock exam at the end of the year. Combined science students will follow a two year program to finish the teaching of the combined science course with on going assessments and a mock exam at the end of year 10. Year 11 Separate science students will be taught the additional units for the course and combined science students will continue with the combined science course. After Easter there will be revision and exam practice. There will be mock exams in November and March. Trilogy Science Students will sit 2 papers for each science subject, each 1h 15 min long. They will be awarded 2 GCSEs graded from 9-9 (top grade) to 1-1 (lowest grade). Separate Sciences Students will sit 2 papers for each science subject, each 1h 45 min long. They will be awarded a GCSE for each subject (3 in total) graded from 9 (top grade) to 1 (lowest grade). For those of you familiar with the previous format of GCSE science, the practical element, previously examined as ISAs, will become integrated into the course as required practicals. The required practicals will be examined as part of the exams, accounting for 15% of the total marks.

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