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TGu Agenda Date: Authors: January 2005 January 2005

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1 TGu Agenda Date: 2005-01-18 Authors: January 2005 January 2005
doc.: IEEE /1617r0 January 2005 TGu Agenda Date: Authors: Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures <>, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor

2 January 2005 doc.: IEEE /1617r0 January 2005 Abstract Agenda for TGu Interworking with External Networks for January 2005, Monterey, California. Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor

3 Tuesday 18 January 2005, 16:00 – 21:30 Call to Order
doc.: IEEE /1617r0 January 2005 Tuesday 18 January 2005, 16:00 – 21:30 Call to Order On-line Attendance reminder Review IEEE 802 and Policies and Procedures Intellectual Property Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor

4 IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws on Patents in Standards
January 2005 doc.: IEEE /1617r0 January 2005 IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws on Patents in Standards 6. Patents IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard. This assurance shall be provided without coercion and prior to approval of the standard (or reaffirmation when a patent becomes known after initial approval of the standard). This assurance shall be a letter that is in the form of either a) A general disclaimer to the effect that the patentee will not enforce any of its present or future patent(s) whose use would be required to implement the proposed IEEE standard against any person or entity using the patent(s) to comply with the standard or b) A statement that a license will be made available without compensation or under reasonable rates, with reasonable terms and conditions that are demonstrably free of any unfair discrimination This assurance shall apply, at a minimum, from the date of the standard's approval to the date of the standard's withdrawal and is irrevocable during that period. Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – December 2002 Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor

5 Inappropriate Topics for IEEE TG Meetings
January 2005 doc.: IEEE /1617r0 January 2005 Inappropriate Topics for IEEE TG Meetings Don’t discuss licensing terms or conditions Don’t discuss product pricing, territorial restrictions or market share Don’t discuss ongoing litigation or threatened litigation Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed… do formally object. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – December 2002 Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor

6 January 2005 Meeting Etiquette "Individuals are to address the comments of others only, not the person" Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor

7 Tuesday (cont.) 18 January 2005, 16:00 – 21:30
doc.: IEEE /1617r0 January 2005 Tuesday (cont.) 18 January 2005, 16:00 – 21:30 Minutes Approval of Minutes of November 2004 WIEN SG wien-minutes-Nov-2004-session.doc Approve Agenda Secretary Election Temporary Editor nominations Draft scenarios doc for joint IEEE Draft requirements doc for joint IEEE Overview of last WIEN SG meeting wien-closing-report.ppt Liaison Issues Incoming Outgoing Liaison Officer Volunteers Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor

8 Tuesday (cont.) 18 January 2005, 16:00 – 21:30
doc.: IEEE /1617r0 January 2005 Tuesday (cont.) 18 January 2005, 16:00 – 21:30 TGu Process wien-process.ppt Recess from 6:00pm until 7:30pm Presentations: Scenarios and Requirements (E. Hepworth) Interworking Assumptions (Hong Cheng) Terminology (E. Hepworth) WIEN SG Open Issues review Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor

9 Requirements and Terminology Drafting
January 2005 doc.: IEEE /1617r0 January 2005 Thursday 20 January 2005, 08:00 – 10:00 Requirements and Terminology Drafting wien-draft-functional-requirements-and-scope.doc wien-TGu-terms-and-definitions.doc Review old WIEN SG documents, as mentioned in the PAR Scenario generation and preparation for IEEE joint session Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor

10 Thursday 20 January 2005, 10:30 – 12:30 IEEE 802.21 Joint Session
doc.: IEEE /1617r0 January 2005 Thursday 20 January 2005, 10:30 – 12:30 IEEE Joint Session Brief summary of IEEE u scope IEEE u requirements gathering phase IEEE requirements which impact IEEE u Required feedback from IEEE u to IEEE Formal liaison relationships Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor

11 TGu Secretary Election Tuesday 18 January 2005, 16:00 – 18:00
doc.: IEEE /1617r0 January 2005 TGu Secretary Election Tuesday 18 January 2005, 16:00 – 18:00 Nominations Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor

12 WNG/WIEN Interworking Documents
January 2005 WNG/WIEN Interworking Documents Technical Submissions to WNG SC Justified creation of WIEN SG Requirements from external groups 3GPP/2 WiFi Alliance Operators xDSL 802.21 Reassessment within .11u Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor

13 WNG/WIEN SG Documents January 2005 January 2005
doc.: IEEE /1617r0 January 2005 WNG/WIEN SG Documents wng-wfa-public-access-overview.ppt wng-Interworking-Policy.ppt wng-Interworking-AdmissionControl.ppt wng-co-existence-of-different-authentication-.ppt wng-hotspot-evolution.ppt wng-interworking-sg-justification.doc wng-3gpp-requirements-wlan-selection.ppt wng-backend-interworking-security.ppt wng-3gpp-wlan-interworking-security.ppt wien-wlan-interworking-scenarios.ppt wien-3gpp-wlan-interworking-issues.ppt wien-network-selection.ppt wien-3gpp-sa3-interworking-security-issues.ppt wien-considerations-about-network-selection.ppt wien-network-side-issues-in-wlan-interworking.ppt wien-domain-identification-predictive-handover-among-different-domains.ppt wien-3gpp-wlan-interworking-requirements.ppt wien-selling-network-access.ppt wien-anonymous-mac-addresses.ppt wien-arid-use-case.ppt Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor

14 January 2005 3GPP Requirements According to TS (SA1), TS (SA2), TS (SA3), TS (CN1): WLAN needs to support (U)SIM based Access Control WLAN needs to support Network sharing/Discovery WLAN needs to support Policy Control/Enforcement WLAN needs to support QoS for 3G services WLAN needs to support online/offline Charging Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor

15 3GPP2 Requirements Summary of 3GPP2 interworking document January 2005
Not completed Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor

16 PAR Open Issues I January 2005 Network Detection and Selection
This provides additional information to STAs about the characteristics of the network to support network selection decisions. As part of this, IEEE u will investigate aspects related to beacon scaleability. Secure Portal Page/IEEE i co-existence The majority of current hotspots use portal pages to support authentication and a solution is needed for allowing the full IEEE i to operate in parallel. Issues include support for new user sign up in IEEE i enabled networks TGr co-existance ADS SG MAC address anonymity This provides protection for the terminal identity Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor

17 PAR Open Issues II January 2005 Policy enforcement
Issue concern how policy rules from the network are enforced within the IEEE access point Specific requirements placed on IEEE by external network operators, where traffic enforcement policies are applied to user traffic. This particularly applies to the scenario where multiple operators share the IEEE hotspot infrastructure. External QoS mapping Issues concerning specific external network requirements mapping to IEEE Issues concerning the co-ordination of admission control between the air interface and external networks Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor

18 PAR Open Issues III January 2005 Charging Access Router identifier
Specifically charging information, generated within the Access Point, is required to be communicate to the external network IEEE u will define a mechanism to collect such information Access Router identifier This is either within the beacon or is an information element within an IEEE k neighbor information element. It provides an indication as to whether handover is at layer 2 or layer 3. Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor

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