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Association between dopaminergic polymorphisms and visually guided smooth pursuit eye movements. Association between dopaminergic polymorphisms and visually.

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1 Association between dopaminergic polymorphisms and visually guided smooth pursuit eye movements.
Association between dopaminergic polymorphisms and visually guided smooth pursuit eye movements. A, Horizontal eye position and velocity traces for different genotypes of the COMT Val158Met polymorphism. B, Horizontal eye position and velocity traces for different genotypes of the SCL6A3 3′-UTR-VNTR polymorphism. Note that saccades are removed from our data, so position and velocity traces are not directly comparable. Shaded areas, SEM; dotted lines, target position. Pursuit metrics (C–E) are given for the COMT Val158Met polymorphism and the SCL6A3 3′-UTR-VNTR polymorphism side by side. C, Pursuit latency after target motion onset. D, Velocity gain during steady-state pursuit. E, Pursuit ratio during steady-state pursuit. Error bars: SEM. Jutta Billino et al. eNeuro 2016;3:ENEURO ©2016 by Society for Neuroscience

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