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World Literature 12/1.

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1 World Literature 12/1

2 Do Now He played several defensive positions extremely well and was the most aggressive and (1)successful baserunner of his era no other player since World War II has more steals of home (19) than Robinson. Read the passage underlined (1). There may be a mistake in punctuation, capitalization, or spelling. If you find a mistake, choose the answer that corrects the mistake. If there is no mistake, choose ‘Correct as is.’ A) Correct as is. B) successful baserunner of his era - no other player since World War II has more steals of home C) successful baserunner of his era, no other player since World War II has more steals of home D) successful baserunner of his era; no other player since World War II has more steals of home 2 Jonathan bounced a soccer ball from his toe, to his knee, and back to his toe. Suddenly, he kicked the ball too hard. It sailed over the neighbor’s fence. In the second paragraph the word sailed means A) steered a ship. B) traveled by water. C) proceeded gracefully. D) moved through the air.

3 Wednesday explanation
In the passage, sailed means moved through the air. Jonathan accidentally kicked his soccer ball, and it sailed over the fence. It flew through the air over the fence.

4 Announcements This Week: Agenda: HW #7 DUE TODAY
USA TestPrep assignment due BY TONIGHT Agenda: Do Now WoTD Addressing the counterclaim quiz Intro to the Black Panthers Black Panthers’ “Ten Point Program” Creating our own Ten Point Program

5 WoTD-

6 USA Test Prep A number of you did not even start/complete all assignments on USA Test Prep This brought your test average down significantly You have ONE LAST SHOT to bring this grade up There is a REDEMPTION assignment in USA Test Prep that opened this morning and must be completed by FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5th at 11:59PM Your grade on this assignment will replace the test grade from the first assignment (no EC available)

7 3. Addressing Counterclaim
Counterclaim- the OPPOSITE side of the argument, opposing side of your claim Some people say…

8 Steps to addressing the counterclaim
1. Identify the counterclaim (what is the other side saying?) 2. Acknowledging their point of view (why are they saying what they are saying?) 3. Proving the other side wrong

9 2nd 9 Weeks Writing Assignment
Argumentative essay We will be going to the Media Center for a presentation by Ms. Lockridge on TUESDAY, December 9th , work on brainstorming there Brainstorming due at the end of class TUESDAY DEC 9th We will spend half the class THURSDAY working on outline Outline due at the end of class THURSDAY DEC 11th Rough draft will be completed on your own Rough draft due MONDAY DEC 15th We will type our final drafts on WEDNESDAY DEC 17th TYPED COPIES DUE AT END OF CLASS WEDNESDAY DEC 17th

10 Fill out K (know) and W (want to know) portions of your KWL chart before watching intro video
As you watch video, fill out L column (learned) ideo/black-panther-party

11 Two volunteers to write on the board
Will write class responses on board

12 What are the most pressing problems in society today?

13 What do you think is “wrong” within society. Your community
What do you think is “wrong” within society? Your community? Your school? Your home?

14 The Panther Party’s Ten Point Program
We will read aloud as a class Then, in partners, you will write down the issue the BPP was trying to fix with each of the ten points After you have this completed and checked off, you will get together with another group of partners and come up with your own Ten Point Program that looks to fix issues TODAY (you can use the issues we generated on the board as guidance)

15 For example… If we said, “Not enough jobs” was one of the most pressing issues of today, one point we could have in our program could be: We want everyone who is looking for work to be able to find employment

16 Once you are completed with your Ten Point Program….
Pick your MOST IMPORTANT Point and write it on a piece of chart paper to present to the class

17 Exit ticket Pick out ONE of your group’s 10 points and MAKE A CLAIM about its importance, using three pieces of evidence to support Point: Claim: Support 1: Support 2: Support 3:

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