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Pairing in Imbalanced Fermi Mixtures: Cold Atom Clouds and Neutron Stars printen Utrecht University.

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Presentation on theme: "Pairing in Imbalanced Fermi Mixtures: Cold Atom Clouds and Neutron Stars printen Utrecht University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pairing in Imbalanced Fermi Mixtures: Cold Atom Clouds and Neutron Stars
printen Utrecht University

2 The Quantum Fluids and Solids Group
Students: Koos Gubbels Mathijs Romans Arnoud Koetsier Jeroen Diederix Postdoc’s: Masud Haque (Dresden) Pietro Massignan (Barcelona) Staff: Henk Stoof Special thanks: Randy Hulet

3 Imbalanced Fermi Mixture (I)
Atomic Fermi mixtures in an optical trap: printen

4 Imbalanced Fermi Mixture (II)
This means that for BCS gap parameter FFLO DFS printen

5 Zero Temperature Theory (I)
Using the BCS ansatz we find for the homogeneous case: BCS Normal Phase diagram P printen

6 Zero Temperature Theory (II)
Local-density theory and BCS ansatz: printen

7 Nonzero Temperature Theory (I)
Proposed phase diagram: Superfluid Phase printen [M.M. Parish et al., Nature Physics 3, 124 (2007); K.B. Gubbels et al., PRL 97, (2006).]

8 Nonzero Temperature Theory (II)
Phases are distinguished in a trap by: printen

9 Extreme Imbalanced Fermi Gas
What happens if we add one particle to the majority Fermi sea: [Lobo et al. , PRL 97, (2006).] printen

10 MIT experiment Uses in-situ imaging:
printen [Y. Shin et al., Nature 451, 689 (2008).]

11 Homogeneous Phase Diagram
State-of-the-art knowledge based on MIT experiments and RG theory: printen [Y. Shin et al., cond-mat/ ; K.B. Gubbels et al., cond-mat/ ]

12 Bizarre Technique: RG Theory for imbalanced Fermi gas
Renormalization of chemical potentials: Renormalization of interaction by ‘ladder diagram’ (scattering of particles) and ‘bubble diagram’ (screening by particle-hole excitations). Phase transition: diverges (Thouless criterion). Momentum/frequency dependence important!

13 Conclusions and Outlook
Story is actually more interesting because of the trap, and there presently still exists a discrepancy between MIT and Rice experiments. Remaining problem is maybe the microscopic details of the superfluid-normal interface. We are working on this! Imbalanced Fermi gases in neutron stars! printen

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