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Hypoxia delays skull development.

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1 Hypoxia delays skull development.
Hypoxia delays skull development. (A) Normoxic control, 13 days. (B,C) 17% O2. (D–F) 15% O2. (G–I) 13% O2. (J–M) 11% O2. Some individuals (F,H,K) show skeletal anomalies including orbital defects and upper jaw defects. Alizarin red (bone) and alcian blue (cartilage). Bones in panel A: a, frontal; b, parietal; c, ethmoid; d, nasal; e, prefrontal; f, supraoccipital; g, exoccipital; h, quadrate; i, petrosal; j, palatine; k, premaxilla; l, quadratojugal; m, otic; n, articular; o, surangular; p, jugal; q, angular; r, dentary; s, splenial. Francis Smith et al. Dis. Model. Mech. 2013;6: © Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd

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