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A IRBB13 (xa13) Minghui 63 (Xa13) Zhonghua 11 T0 Wild type IRBB13

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Presentation on theme: "A IRBB13 (xa13) Minghui 63 (Xa13) Zhonghua 11 T0 Wild type IRBB13"— Presentation transcript:

1 A IRBB13 (xa13) Minghui 63 (Xa13) Zhonghua 11 T0 Wild type IRBB13 (xa13) Minghui 63 (Xa13) Zhonghua 11 Wild type plant RNAi plant B Supplementary Figure 3. Comparisons of anthers and pollens in xa13- or Xa13-silenced plants with the wile type plants. (A) T0 transgenic plants have smaller anthers than the wile type. Magnification, 5X. (B) Pollens stained with a solution containing 0.67% potassium iodide and 0.33% iodine. Most of the pollens in T0 transgenic plants are abortive. Magnification, 40X.

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