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Presentation on theme: "Welcome parents from the PHYSICAL EDUCATION and HEALTH DEPARTMENT"— Presentation transcript:

Grades 7-8 Welcome parents from the PHYSICAL EDUCATION and HEALTH DEPARTMENT

2 Curriculum Consistent with the Virginia Standard of
Learning for Physical Education and Health, Arlington County Public Schools Physical Education and Health Curriculum Guide, and the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP).

3 Meet Our Team! Top Row L-R: Mr. Heath, Mr. Curran, Mr. Rodriguez
Bottom Row L-R: Ms. Angerthal, Ms. Pierce, Ms. Westcott

4 AIMS and OBJECTIVES Students will develop knowledge, critical thinking and reflection skills, a sense of responsibility as well as interpersonal and self motivation skills, and understanding the importance of a balanced, healthy lifestyle. Promoting health and wellness Motivation, skills, and understanding to participate in all aspects of physical education (learning, practicing, refining, adapting, thinking and interacting) Physical fitness Effective communication skills Ability to reflect and perform critically Understanding of international perspectives of physical education, sports, and health education Lifelong interest and enjoyment of physical activities as a participant

5 Assessment Grades are based on rubrics using the four IB MYP Physical Education and Health Criteria Criterion A: Knowing and understanding % Criterion B: Planning for performance % Criterion C: Applying and performing % Criterion D: Reflecting and improving performance 25% Class grades are based on numerical scores and not a letter grade. Each rubric is assigned an 8 point score value. Bi-weekly grades, Interims, and quarter grades are converted to an Arlington County letter grade.

6 Physical Education Teaching Units
Wellness Testing fall spring 2. Team Sports Basketball Volleyball 3.Individual Sports Tennis Badminton 4. Dance 5. Adventure Learning Team building activities Cooperative learning activities 6. Recreational Games Scooter games Base games

7 Dressing for physical education
All students will be expected to required to wear a Thomas Jefferson uniform during class. Jefferson uniforms can be purchased for $18. $9 for shirt and $9 for shorts. Families in need of financial assistance may simply contact their PE teacher. Remember: Home on Friday and return on Monday 

8 Health Topics Substance Abuse/Disease Prevention Family Life Education
Social And Mental Health Nutrition Community Health

9 Health Classes There are a total of twelve weeks of health. Each
rotation is 3 weeks. Teachers may extend that time if he or she deems its necessary. Again, assessments are based on the IB MYP criteria.

10 Thank you for coming and have a wonderful night

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