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Captain Stephen Oliver

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1 Captain Stephen Oliver
Building the Peace of Christ in our divided and broken world: Future Implications Captain Stephen Oliver 1

2 In Search of Shalom A searching and fearless moral inventory
From justification to sanctification 2

3 In Search of Shalom “The desperate need today is for deep people” (Foster 2008: 1) 3

4 In Search of Shalom “The effective part of any corps ‘soul- saving programme’ is dominated by faith-sharing interactions as the congregation disperses and penetrates the community” (Burns 2012: 41) “A Christian theology of work essential to which is the anticipatory experience of God’s new creation and a hope of its future consummation” (Chester 2006: 107) 4

5 Diversity not division
“Exclusion can entail cutting of the bonds that connect, taking oneself out of the pattern of interdependence” (Volf 1996: 67) The opportunity of multiple cultures 5

6 Peacemakers “Forgiveness leaves a distance between people, an empty space of neutrality, that allows them either to go their separate ways in what is sometimes called ‘peace’ or to fall into each others’ arms and restore broken communion” (Volf 1996: ) “Tolerance involves no equivalent imperative to attend to and actively help those without a place or a voice in society” (Bretherton 2006: 148) 6

7 Conclusion “I head for a church whose primary purpose is neither to enlighten nor empower me, but to ‘proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes” (Volf 2010: 90-91). 7

8 Conclusion Deeper people resourced as peace-builders in the places where only they are. Recognise that most mission does not happen as part of an organised corps/centre programme. Celebrate and affirm diversity. Seek to reflect the ethnicity of the community. Move from acceptance towards embrace. Ensure an intentional proclamation of Christ and Him crucified. Questions: How are these being worked out in your context? 8

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