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LEPTA project Measuring lifetime of positrons

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1 LEPTA project Measuring lifetime of positrons
Laboratory of nuclear problems Supervisor: S.Yakovenko JINR, Dubna

2 Goals of the LEPTA project
Dynamics of coupling motion in the stellatron Electron cooling of positrons Positronium generation in flight Positronium physics Electron cooling with circulating electron beam Feasibility study of antihydrogen generation in flight

3 Design of the LEPTA kicker septum cooling section positron trap
collector septum 106100sec=108 e+ e-gun cooling section positron trap 22Na106 e+ per sec 104 Ps per sec positronium detector

4 General parameters of the ring
Circumference , m 17.2 Particle energy, keV 1 - 10 Longitudinal magnetic field, G Radius of the toroidal solenoids, m 1.45 Helical quadrupole gradient, G/cm 0 - 20 Length of the helical quadrupole, m and number of steps of the helix 1.6 2 Number of positrons in the ring 1*108 Residual gas pressure, Тоrr 1*10-10 Design of positronium beam parameters Intensity, atom/s 110 Angular spread, mrad 1 Velocity spread 1104 Beam diameter at the exit of the ring, cm 1.1 Positronium decay length, m 8.52

5 Beam diagnostic tools and correction coils disposition
kicker Vertical PU Vertical PU Electron gun Helical quadrupole Horizontal PU L D D = 79 mm, L = 126 mm

6 applied to the kicker plate
Beam lifetime signal from PU Our results: 10 µs Lifetime: 5, ms “Killer” pulse was applied to the kicker plate

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