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ASF Review Acquisition Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "ASF Review Acquisition Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASF Review Acquisition Plan

2 Acquisition Requirements
3 complete cycles ascending and descending Maximize spatial coverage and coherence Mapping to occur during same period as AIC-1 Use beams S6, S2, S1, EL1 and F1 S3, 4, 5, and 7 as contingency

3 Acquisition Strategy Sept to Oct 2000, north-looking mode.
Complete ascending and descending coverage. Maximize fine beam coverage of high priority areas. Maximize use of S6, followed by S2, S1 and El-1 to increase probability of coherent IFSAR data.

4 Acquisition Strategy (cont)
OBR data down-linked to N. Hemisphere GRS’s McMurdo GRS used for real-time data Minimize complexity Minimize impact on other users while meeting mission objectives

5 MAMM-2 Acquisition Plans
Three plans, all identical. First data take: orbit , 19:35:57 UTC 3 Sept orbit , 19:35:57 UTC 27 Sept orbit , 19:35:057 UTC 21 Oct Any replanning done in first cycle will become “nominal” plan for remaining two

6 SAR & Station Usage Total SAR on-time: 1557.6 min
RTM: min OBR: 619.6 Total Number of Data Acquisitions: 819* RTM: 531 OBR: 288 Fairbanks: 267 Gatineau: Prince Albert: 18

7 Coverage Errata Standard-5 used on 3 occasions in ascending plan
Complete coverage not attained in descending plan 4 small holes near Amery Ice Sheet

8 Replanning Rules Limited to first cycle (73)
One complete map is highest priority for cycle-73 (may be assembled from asc and desc coverage) If only partial coverage possible, target high priority areas Cycle-73, 74 IFSAR coverage over high priority targets more important than complete IFSAR coverage

9 Replanning Rules (cont)
Acquisition of gaps in AIC-1 IFSAR higher priority than areas already covered n AIC-1 Acquisition of gaps in ERS Tandem coverage are higher priority than areas covered during Tandem mission



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