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Monitoring progress on MDG

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1 Monitoring progress on MDG
Bijit Bora Counsellor Economic Research and Statistics

2 Monitoring Trade Policies
Need an framework that looks at trade policy as a tool with which to achieve all MDG goals. Basic framework requires monitoring of BOTH developed and developing country trade policies

3 Changing Global Economy
Steadily growing trade volumes Fall in tariff levels to an all-time low Transport cost revolution Role of technology in trade


5 What are the indicators of Goal 8?
Tariffs ODA Domestic Support Debt Open rules based system Tariffs ODA Domestic support Debt

6 Duty free imports into Developed countries by type of exporter

7 Average agriculture tariffs

8 Average textiles tariffs

9 Average clothing tariffs

10 How acceptable is the framework?
The focus is only on developed countries Should there be differential treatment between developing and developed countries? Multilateral system is based on bound, not applied rates Non ad valorem tariffs are not taken into account Number of clarifications: Scope and coverage: provisions would apply to all procedures, formalities and requirements, and fees and charges applied to products by customs authorities or by any other govern body in connection with importation and exportation, to the extent not already covered by other WTO articles and agreements; Geographical coverage: should also apply to sub-Federal authorities where appropriate, as well as to procedures and requirements applied by customs unions Non discrimination: Non-discrimination in the design, application and effect of export and import procedures and formalities imposed on the goods of all Members Transparency and predictability: Transparency and Predictability in the design, application and effect of procedures and formalities Avoidance of unnecessary procedural barriers: in the design, application and effect of import and export procedures, and in particular to ensure that such procedures do not unduly slow down the movement or release of goods. Also commitment not to design or apply procedures and formalities with a view to or with the effect of giving additional protection to domestic products. This would be done by ensuring that import and export procedures shall not be more trade restrictive than necessary to fulfil legitimate objectives which should be specified or given in an illustrative list. Abolishment of procedure or requirement in case of changed circumstances or less trade restrictive alternative: A provision whereby Members should not longer maintain a procedure or requirement if the circumstances giving rise to its introduction no longer exists or if the changed circumstances or objectives can be addressed in a less trade restrictive manner. International standards and instruments: Members should bases their import and export procedures on agreed international standards and instruments, except where such standards would be an ineffective or inappropriate means to fulfil the legitimate objectives sought. Transparency, openness and predictability appear to be the benchmarks for the goal. Trade performance is not an indicator

11 Markets for products originating from LDCs

12 How to move forward? ?

13 Improve the monitoring process
Need an acceptable framework on trade and development. Need the intermediate products with which to do the analysis.

14 Need an acceptable framework of trade and development

15 That is based on research.....

16 Framework should be verified...

17 International institutions can help overcome data hurdles
Methodology Data

18 WTO Institutional Framework could help...
Trade Policy Review Mechanism

19 Purpose to contribute to improved adherence by all Members to rules, disciplines and commitments made under the Multilateral Trade Agreements to the smoother functioning of the multilateral trading system, by achieving greater transparency in, and understanding of, the trade policies and practices of Members.

20 Transparency Members recognize the inherent value of domestic transparency of government decision-making on trade policy matters for both Members' economies and the multilateral trading system

21 Problem of a brick wall….
Since TPRs focus on a narrower set of objectives than the MDGs Need to address Annex III

22 Scope for cooperation amongst countries….

23 But most importantly international agencies!

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