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Activity 1: With a partner, complete the timeline of

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2 Activity 1: With a partner, complete the timeline of
events in ‘Medea.’ Be prepared to feedback to the class.

3 Activity 2: We are going to discuss the following
characters: Medea, Jason, Creon, Aegeus. We are going to focus on aspects of their roles and find quotes to support them.

4 Examples: Medea is a very manipulative character
(to Aegeus: ‘I promise you shall beget children.’) Jason is extremely arrogant (to Medea: ‘passion drove you…to save my life.’)

5 Introducing: Medea! What is Medea like?

6 What does she do?

7 What do others say about her?

8 Qualities to admire:

9 Qualities to hate:

10 Introducing: Jason! What is he like?

11 What does he do?

12 Justification for actions:

13 How he’s manipulated by Medea:

14 Introducing: Creon! What is he like?

15 What does he do?

16 Justification for actions:

17 How he’s manipulated by Medea:

18 Introducing: Aegeus! What is he like?

19 What does he do?

20 Justification for actions:

21 How he’s manipulated by Medea:


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