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Nursery Curriculum Information Spring Term 1

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1 Nursery Curriculum Information Spring Term 1
Dear Parents, In this leaflet you will find information about what your child is learning about this half term and how you can support them at home. Our topic is nursery rhymes and traditional stories and our role play area themes are based on these settings. Communication Language and Literacy Please encourage your child to… talk about the different stories you read together, eg naming the characters, saying what happened in the story and encouraging them to repeat key phrases show awareness of rhyme and continue a rhyming string, eg cat, hat, mat hear and say the initial sound in words talk about their marks and drawings to give them meaning, eg ‘it’s a duck’, and talk about marks, letters and images they see while you’re out and about or in your home write their name holding a pencil correctly to listen to others carefully, answer how and why questions and follow simple instructions use talk to talk about what they are thinking and feeling, and encourage your child to extend their sentences using words like and and because Mathematical Development Please encourage your child to… count to 10 separate a group of three or four objects in different ways reinforcing that the total is the same as the objects that have been moved, and nothing has been added or taken away sort different objects according to shape or size and encourage your child to describe different objects, eg ‘the spoon is round’ use positional language such as next to, on top, under and behind Understanding of the World Please encourage your child to… show an interest in the lives of people who are familiar to them talk about significant events in their own experiences, eg birthdays or family outings comment and asks questions about aspects of their familiar world such as the place where they live or the natural world operate simple equipment, eg turning on the CD player or using the remote control show an interest in technological toys with knobs or pulleys, or real objects such as cameras or mobile phones Expressive Arts and Design Please encourage your child to… describe the texture of things, eg, hard, soft, smooth, shiny, rough, slimy imitate movement in response to music, combining and repeating a range of movements tap out simple repeated rhythms, eg clapping or stamping in different ways copy what they see adults do in their play Use resources to create props to support role-play and build stories around toys, eg farm animals needing rescue from an armchair ‘cliff’ Physical Development Please encourage your child to… stand on one foot use one-handed tools and equipment with control, eg scissors, pens and pencils hold a pencil correctly and begin to draw a range of letters, and write their name tell you when they are hungry or tired or when they want to rest or play go to the toilet independently and wash and dry their hands by themselves put on their coat and do up their zip begin to recognise danger, and encourage them to seek help if needed and use equipment safely, eg walking with scissors instead of running holding the blade downwards

2 ***WOW books are collected on Tuesdays.***
Personal Social and Emotional Development Please encourage your child to… speak confidently about their own needs, wants, interests and opinions, and express their own feelings such as sad, happy, cross, scared, worried confidently talk to other children when playing, and communicate freely about own home and community play in a group, extending and elaborating play ideas, eg building up a role-play activity with other children initiate play, offering cues to peers to join them and keep play going by responding to what others are saying or doing demonstrate friendly behaviour, initiating conversations and forming good relationships with peers and familiar adults be aware that some actions can hurt or harm others and encourage them to help or give comfort when others are distressed If your child does any of these activities please write it in their WOW book or take a photograph and stick it in!! ***WOW books are collected on Tuesdays.***

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