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Cissna Park District/Community Library

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1 An Interview with: Sandy Thomas of Cissna Park K-12 Schools By: Rebekah Hoffman

2 Cissna Park District/Community Library
Sandy Thomas of Cissna Park Library has worked for Cissna Park Schools 22 ½ years. She was an integral part of the town’s decision to transition the school library into a school AND community library.

3 Cissna Park Community/District Library
The merge began as a pilot program through Lincoln Trails. Rick (the previous librarian) and Sandy proposed the idea to the town who passed a referendum. “Everyone really wanted this!”

4 Benefits of the combined library:
Saves the school and the community money. Helps keep the community involved in the school. Other schools have contacted Rick. He does workshops and teaches other schools how to implement the program as well. “We really believe in it.” “This has been a blessing.”

5 Challenges of the Combined Library
“There haven’t been many.” “It’s been so wonderful.” Required to abide by school rules when writing bylaws. Required to close at certain times. Having to use some discretion when buying books and letting people use the computers.

6 A librarian’s never-ending “to-do list”
In my opinion, Sandy takes on even MORE tasks than a regular school librarian! Including: Helping classes with meals and cooking/baking fundraisers. Laminating and copying. Watching classes and study halls for busy teachers.

7 To-do List, cont. Delivering books to “the little old ladies around town.” Teaching story hour three times a week (TWR.) Programming Halloween Fun Night serves around 250 people every year!

8 Most importantly: Sandy is everyone’s favorite mentor.
Situated in the middle of the school, Sandy serves as a mentor not only to students, but to other teachers and even administrators. She is always around to lend an ear and give advice.

9 Cissna Park Community Library: A Unique Experience
“People come into this library and just look around. It’s unique. It’s special. It’s personal. I get to watch the children grow from birth to adulthood. That’s my favorite part of working here.” Sandy Thomas

10 My New Role Final Advice: Realizations: “Try to work with the faculty the best you can. You have to work with everyone and not rule and regulate anyone to death.” “Give… but have boundaries.” I knew I had huge shoes to fill by taking over for Rick, but sitting down to talk to Sandy showed me just how huge of a transition this will be! I am excited, but nervous, and hope I can do half as much good for the school as she does.

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