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The 4th Grade Monthly Hero

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1 The 4th Grade Monthly Hero
NOVEMBER 2016 Mission of the Month Math: Multiplication and Division Reading: Invasion From Mars, Earth’s Mightiest Storms, I Survived Hurricane Katrina, Recovering From Katrina Writing: Figurative Language: similes, onomatopoeia, idioms, Poetry Unit: haiku, cinquain, limerick, diamonte, color Science: Science Fair Projects Social Studies: Branches of the Government FOOD DRIVE Student Council will be sponsoring a Food Drive to help the Chandler Care Center from 11/14-11/18. Look out for flyers in your student’s homework folder for more information. Breaking News Field Trip: Field Trip Permission Slips are DUE 11/4! Fourth graders will be visiting the state capitol on the following dates: ® November 8th Folmsbee / Kussy ® November 15th Freed / Marianella ® November 16th Kennedy / Johnson Students will need to dress comfortably with tennis shoes and bring a sack lunch in a disposable bag. Please remember to also send a snack with your child due to our early lunch that day. Snacks will be eaten when we arrive back to school from the field trip. Dates to Defend and Protect 11/2: Holiday Boutique / Late Night Book Fair 11/4: Veteran’s Day Breakfast 11/10: Jump Rope for Heart 11/14-11/18: Student Council Food Drive 11/21-12/2: Gingerbread Threads 11/24 & 11/25: No School - Thanksgiving Holiday

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