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The Natural Log Function: Integration

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Presentation on theme: "The Natural Log Function: Integration"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Natural Log Function: Integration
Lesson 5.7

2 Log Rule for Integration
Because Then we know that And in general, when u is a differentiable function in x:

3 Try It Out Consider these . . .

4 Finding Area Given Determine the area under the curve on the interval [2, 4]

5 Using Long Division Before Integrating
Use of the log rule is often in disguised form Do the division on this integrand and alter it's appearance

6 Using Long Division Before Integrating
Calculator also can be used Now take the integral

7 Change of Variables Consider So we have Then u = x – 1 and du = dx
But x = u and x – 2 = u – 1 So we have Finish the integration

8 Integrals of Trig Functions
Note the table of integrals, pg 357 Use these to do integrals involving trig functions

9 Assignment Assignment 5.7 Page 358 Exercises 1 – 37 odd , 71, 73

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