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To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

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1 To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Vocabulary for Chapters 27-31 (All pictures taken from Google Images, and all pronunciations and definitions from

2 annals \ˈa-nəlz\ historical records
add to it annually

3 ascertain \ˌa-sər-ˈtān\ to learn or find out (something, such as information or the truth)
to make as certain as possible

4 burgle \ˈbər-gəl\ burglarize

5 carcass \ˈkär-kəs\ the body of a dead animal; a person's body

6 connived \kə-ˈnīv\ secretly helped someone do something dishonest or illegal
sneak knives

7 contraption \kən-ˈtrap-shən\ a piece of equipment or machinery that is unusual or strange

8 florid \ˈflȯr-əd, ˈflär-\ very fancy or too fancy
lavish floral arrangement

9 irascible \i-ˈra-sə-bəl\ becoming angry very easily; having a bad temper

10 lectern \ˈlek-tərn\ a stand that holds a book, notes, etc
lectern \ˈlek-tərn\ a stand that holds a book, notes, etc., for someone who is reading, speaking, or teaching lecture

11 perforated \ˈpər-fə-ˌrāt-əd\ having a line of small holes to make tearing easy and neat
perfectly sized paper towel

12 pinioned \ˈpin-yən\ to restrain by tying the arms to the body
arms are pinned back

13 primeval \prī-ˈmē-vəl\ very old or ancient

14 purloin \(ˌ)pər-ˈlȯin, ˈpər-ˌ\ to take (something that belongs to someone else)
purse snatcher or pickpocket

15 rale \ˈral, ˈräl\ an abnormal sound heard accompanying the normal respiratory sounds of the chest

16 staccato \stə-ˈkä-(ˌ)tō\ sudden and brief

17 trammel \ˈtra-məl\ something impeding activity, progress, or freedom

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