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Building a Successful Cost Proposal

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1 Building a Successful Cost Proposal
Post Doc Workshop February 12, 2019

2 Agenda Introduction Understanding the Environment
Proposal Consideration Proposal Workflow Questions

3 Introduction Why is this important?
Diversify funding pool Expose your research to sponsors Encourage collaboration Focus on federal funding- but the building blocks will apply to all cost proposals

4 Understanding the Environment
Federal Requirements Agency Funding Opportunity

5 Understanding the Environment
Funding Agencies Funding Opportunities

6 Federal Requirements Uniform Guidance outlines cost principles relevant to proposals: Allowable? Reasonable? Allocable?

7 Allowable Consistently Treated- Similar costs must be treated the same in like circumstances, as either direct or indirect (CFR (d)) Reasonable- A prudent business person would have purchased this and paid this price (CFR ) Allocable- It can be assigned to the activity under the award (CFR )

8 Reasonable The cost “does not exceed that which would be incurred by a prudent person under the circumstances prevailing at the time the decision was make to incur the cost.”(CFR )

9 Allocable Incurred for the project Proportionally distributed
Necessary for the overall operation of the project

10 Examples of Unallowable Costs
Personnel (e.g., salary caps) Travel: non-economy airfare Contractors/Subawards: experience, justification

11 Quick Quiz What are the 3 categories to determine if a cost is acceptable?

12 Proposal Considerations
Funding Opportunity Regulatory Considerations Budget

13 Activity: Review Funding opportunity
READ and LOVE your funding opportunity announcement Who and Why? Agency (e.g., NSF, DOE, NIH) Purpose What and How? Eligibility & other specifics (e.g., cost share/matching, terms and conditions) Due Date & budget ceiling Submission method

14 Elements of your Proposal
Title & Research Abstract Proposal Narrative (specific aims, expected outcomes, methods) Biosketch Budget & Budget Justification Literature Cited Subrecipient Documents Other (e.g., Commitment Letter)

15 Regulatory Considerations
Intellectual Property Authorship/Publication Responsible Conduct of Research

16 Preparing Your Budget Salary & Fringe Equipment Travel
Participant Support Subawards Other Direct cost Indirect Cost Documentation (e.g., equipment pricing)

17 Budget Consideration Prior approval requirements
Equipment, subawards, etc. Cost share (if required) Required? Tracking appropriately Multi-year budgets (complex and time consuming) Inclusion of inflation & merit increases Itemized annual budget & cumulative summary

18 Salary/Personnel Salary considerations: Name/Position Salary % Effort
Total Request John Doe Principle Investigator $ ,000 50% $ ,000 Jane Smith Lab Manager $ ,000 25% $ ,500

19 Fringe Benefits Current Benefit Rates for Carnegie: Components:
Health care Employer taxes Workers compensation Unemployment & life insurance Retirement contributions Current Benefit Rates for Carnegie: Employee - 33% Post-Docs – 15% Fellows – 7.3%

20 Equipment Definition Acquisition cost of = or > $5,000
Useful life > 1 year Includes shipping and setup costs Aggregate cost = $5,000 or more Component A costs $3,000 and Component B costs $2,500 Need A & B for functionality? Capital Equipment A or B can be used alone? Supplies

21 Travel What to consider: Domestic vs. Foreign
Estimate lodging using per diem rates (GSA site) Actual must not exceed per diem Lowest coach fare and Fly America Act Upgrade for extra legroom in coach unallowable (per UG) Other: Auto rental, mileage reimbursement, tolls, parking, taxi

22 Participant Support Costs Elements:
Stipends Travel Subsistence Other (materials & supply, conference registration, tuition) Funding purpose (outreach, to augment exposure to research)

23 Subawards or Vendor Funds provided to 3rd party (subaward or vendor)
Subaward vs. vendor classification Ensure proper classification – we can help if you’re unsure

24 Other Direct Costs Types of Costs
Materials and supplies (special computing laptop) Cost <$5,000 per item and used for project Itemize Publication costs (graphic design, photography) Consultant services Individual/entity providing specialized services Consider consulting rate (itemize costs: materials, etc.) Fees must be customary for the type of service

25 Indirect Costs: Definition
Allocation of administrative costs that are not charged directly to the award but that are required for implementation of award Indirect Costs Includes: Administrative Support Staff Utilities Supplies Building Costs

26 Indirect Costs Calculation
Total Indirect Costs Total Direct Cost Base (MTDC) Indirect Cost Rate 61.53% Modified Total Direct Costs Total Direct Costs less: Fellowship and Participant costs Capital equipment of $5,000 or more Portion of each subaward in excess of $25,000 Other costs excluded per grant terms Item Amount Included in MTDC Personnel 100,000 Fringe 32,000 Equipment 150,000 Subaward (2) 60,000 50,000 ODC 160,000 Total Direct 502,000 342,000 Indirect 210,433 61.53% Total Budget 712,433

27 Budget Justification Salary: name, position, purpose
Fringe: benefit components & rates Equipment: description, purpose, cost/pricing basis Travel: who, where, when, purpose & detailed cost Participant Support: who, travel, other expenses (e.g., stipend) Subawards: purpose, cost (individual detailed budget & justification) Other Direct cost: detailed cost per item, unit cost & purpose Indirect Cost: Carnegie’s negotiated rate & cognizant agency

28 Proposal Workflow Principal Investigator:
Decide on the funding opportunity Work with department staff in completing the application package Providing the attachments required for the submission Department/Administrative Provide administrative support to the PI such as completing the proposal form pages Uploading the attachments to the application Review budget and justification Sponsored Programs Act as a resource to PI and department personnel during preparation Create eRA Commons accounts, when needed Submit proposal to agency Provide assistance in correcting errors, if needed

29 Questions?

30 Helpful Links GSA Uniform Guidance: NSF Guidance: NASA Guidance:
Uniform Administrative Requirements for Federal Awards (Cost Principles, Audit Requirements) NSF Guidance: Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG), January 2019 NASA Guidance: Grant & Cooperative Agreement Handbook Revisions per 2 CFR 200 DOE Guidance: Grant Policy Guidance GSA GSA Per diem Rates Lookup

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