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Genomic phylogeny reveals the long-term coexistence of diverse clades.

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1 Genomic phylogeny reveals the long-term coexistence of diverse clades.
Genomic phylogeny reveals the long-term coexistence of diverse clades. Colors denote phylogenetic clades C1 to C4. (A) Number of SNPs distinguishing each isolate from the first (BM1) over time. The mutator isolate BM22 was excluded from this analysis. A linear fit with a slope of 2.4 mutations per year is shown. (B) Maximum a posteriori phylogenetic tree of the 22 isolates modeling both SNPs and indels as independent mutational processes. Shared superscripts in the strain labels indicate that isolates were obtained on the same date. (C) The temporal distribution of isolate samplings enables the inference that clades coexisted. Isolate labels in bold font are nonmucoid (see Fig. S1 in the supplemental material). Inês N. Silva et al. mSystems 2016; doi: /mSystems

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