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IBM Data Center Tech Support Survey Results
UBM Americas For more information contact UBM research
Key Take-aways & Survey Methodology
KEY FINDINGS Nearly half of survey respondents use a combination of in- house and third-party support when their server or storage device fails. Just over one in ten reported that they solely use third-party support. Most are happy with the quality of technical support for their datacenter devices. Respondents like the control they have over their own staff, which is why they use in-house support exclusively. To convince companies to switch to third-party support, suppliers must offer competitive pricing and metrics that prove the superiority of a third-party support solution. Decisions about retiring an asset, purchasing an extended warranty, or using technical support happen frequently – about once a quarter, once a month, and in some cases, once a week. Data center managers and senior IT managers make the final decision on selecting third-party technical support vendors. The places decision makers turn to learn more about third- party technical support vendors are key to getting your message to data center managers and IT management. The top sources cited are peers, tech trades & sites, as well as events such as conferences and seminars, among other information sources. METHODOLOGY In March 2016, UBM conducted an online survey of business technology professionals involved in data center management decisions at companies with 100 or more employees on behalf of IBM. Final data is based on a total of 213 qualified IT and business respondents at companies with 100 or more employees in North America. The margin of error for the total respondent base (N=213) is +/ percentage points. UBM was responsible for all programming and data analysis. These procedures were carried out in strict accordance with standard market research practices.
Respondent Demographics
All respondents qualified as involved in data center management or decision making at their organization Are you involved in data center management or decision making for your group or organization? Data: UBM survey of 213 business technology professionals involved in data center management decisions at companies with 100 or more employees, March 2016
All respondents work at companies with 100 or more employees
How many employees in total are in your organization? 10,000 or more 100 to 499 5,000 to 9,999 500 to 999 1,000 to 4,999 Data: UBM survey of 213 technology professionals involved in data center management decisions at companies with 100 or more employees, March 2016
Which of the following best describes your job title?
Data: UBM survey of 213 technology professionals involved in data center management decisions at companies with 100 or more employees, March 2016
What is your organization's primary industry?
Data: UBM survey of 213 technology professionals involved in data center management decisions at companies with 100 or more employees, March 2016
Survey findings
Nearly half use a combination of in-house and third-party support when a server or storage device fails When a server or storage device fails, how does your organization manage the failures and restore service? We use in-house staff exclusively We use a combination of in-house staff and third-party or OEM support We use third-party support (other than the vendor who sold us the equipment) We use the vendor who made the equipment Data: UBM survey of 213 technology professionals involved in data center management decisions at companies with 100 or more employees, March 2016
The element of control drives companies to rely on in-house staff
Why do you use in-house staff exclusively? Base: 73 respondents who use in-house staff exclusively Note: Multiple responses allowed Data: UBM survey of 213 technology professionals involved in data center management decisions at companies with 100 or more employees, March 2016
Price is key in convincing companies to switch to third-party support
What might convince you to at least explore full or partial third-party support? Base: 73 respondents who use in-house staff exclusively Note: Multiple responses allowed Data: UBM survey of 213 technology professionals involved in data center management decisions at companies with 100 or more employees, March 2016
An overwhelming majority rate their datacenter tech support as good or excellent
How would you rate the quality of technical support for your datacenter devices (such as servers, storage, networking)? Fair Average Excellent Good Data: UBM survey of 213 technology professionals involved in data center management decisions at companies with 100 or more employees, March 2016
Respondents believe end users would rate tech support positively as well
How do you think a typical end user in your organization would assess the quality of technical support he/she gets? Poor Fair Average Excellent Good Data: UBM survey of 213 technology professionals involved in data center management decisions at companies with 100 or more employees, March 2016
Email, phone primary methods used to contact tech support staff
How can end users contact the technical support staff? Note: Multiple responses allowed Data: UBM survey of 213 technology professionals involved in data center management decisions at companies with 100 or more employees, March 2016
Most common complaint about tech support is length of time taken to remedy problem
When end users complain about technical support, what are the most common complaints? Note: Multiple responses allowed Data: UBM survey of 213 technology professionals involved in data center management decisions at companies with 100 or more employees, March 2016
Nearly half assess tech support services quarterly or twice a year
How often do you and/or your organization formally assess tech support services? We don’t Quarterly Irregularly Twice per year Annually Data: UBM survey of 213 technology professionals involved in data center management decisions at companies with 100 or more employees, March 2016
A majority feel confident in their organization’s ability to assess the ROI of tech support
How would you rate your organization’s ability to assess the ROI of technical support to end users? Poor to non-existent Fair Excellent Average Good Data: UBM survey of 213 technology professionals involved in data center management decisions at companies with 100 or more employees, March 2016
Top metrics used to assess tech support & ROI include tracking help desk calls & polling end users
What metrics or methods do you use to assess technical support quality and ROI? Note: Multiple responses allowed Data: UBM survey of 213 technology professionals involved in data center management decisions at companies with 100 or more employees, March 2016
Just under half use 1 or 2 third-party vendors for tech support
How many third-party vendors are you using now for technical support? 5 or more 4 None 3 2 1 Data: UBM survey of 213 technology professionals involved in data center management decisions at companies with 100 or more employees, March 2016
Price, delivery quality & service level guarantees are top three factors when considering third-party tech support In considering third-party technical support, what are the most important services and functions you look for? Overall Rank Price 1 Delivery quality 2 Service level guarantees 3 Ability of vendor to provide services and meet SLOs 4 Range of services offered 5 Breath of IT devices (different manufacturers and models) that vendor can provide support for 6 Ease of engaging with vendor 7 Reputation of the vendor 8 Testimonials and references 9 Terms of business (payment terms) 10 Note: Score is a weighted calculation. Items ranked first are valued higher than the following ranks, the score is the sum of all weighted rank counts. Ranked from most important (1) to least (10). Data: UBM survey of 213 technology professionals involved in data center management decisions at companies with 100 or more employees, March 2016
Peers, tech trades & conferences top list of information sources
Typically what sources of information would you tap to learn more about third-party technical support vendors? Note: Multiple responses allowed Data: UBM survey of 213 technology professionals involved in data center management decisions at companies with 100 or more employees, March 2016
Data center management & IT make the final decision to use third-party tech support
Who in your organization has the final or principal decision-making authority when assessing and selecting a third-party technical support vendor? Joint decision between IT and non-IT execs with non-IT exec making the final call Other Data center manager or other senior IT manager Joint decision between IT and non-IT execs with IT management making the final call A select panel of end users Non-IT department head (CMO, VP of sales, VP of manufacturing, etc.) Senior non-IT manager (CEO, CFO, chairman etc.) Data: UBM survey of 213 technology professionals involved in data center management decisions at companies with 100 or more employees, March 2016
Automated notifications are common to alert about warranty or maintenance contracts’ expiration
How do you know when your warranty/maintenance contracts for data center IT infrastructure are approaching their expiration date? Other Usually I don’t know I get a notification from our manual asset management/lifecycle maintenance process I get an automated notification from our asset management/lifecycle maintenance tool Data: UBM survey of 213 technology professionals involved in data center management decisions at companies with 100 or more employees, March 2016
Most notifications come about 1 to 3 months in advance
Typically how far in advance are you notified? It varies greatly by asset and by the vendor Under one month 6 months or more 90 days to 180 days 30 days to 60 days 60 days to 90 days Base: 183 respondents who are notified when warranty/maintenance contracts approach expiration date Data: UBM survey of 213 technology professionals involved in data center management decisions at companies with 100 or more employees, March 2016
Over half make decisions once a quarter more frequently regarding retiring assets, purchasing warranties or tech support How many times per year do you have to make decisions about retiring an asset, purchasing an extended warranty, or technical support? Once a week Once a year Once a month Every six months Once a quarter Data: UBM survey of 213 technology professionals involved in data center management decisions at companies with 100 or more employees, March 2016
Average age of respondents’ oldest server is about 6 years
How old is your oldest server, storage, and/or network device? Average age: 6.2 years Data: UBM survey of 213 technology professionals involved in data center management decisions at companies with 100 or more employees, March 2016
Data center & network managers responsible for tracking tech support warranty expiration
Who is responsible for tracking technical support warranty expiration? Data: UBM survey of 213 technology professionals involved in data center management decisions at companies with 100 or more employees, March 2016
When warranties expire, about one-third retire & replace, about one-third buy extended warranties, & one-fourth shift to in-house tech support At warranty expiration, do you typically retire your IT assets or purchase additional maintenance/warranty? Shift to in-house technical support Retire and replace IT assets Buy third-party maintenance Buy extended OEM warranty Data: UBM survey of 213 technology professionals involved in data center management decisions at companies with 100 or more employees, March 2016
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