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Data validation in Liechtenstein

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1 Data validation in Liechtenstein
Franziska Frick / Office of Statistics November 2017

2 Framework conditions Liechtenstein Country 160 km2 37’810 inhabitants
11 villages Prince family Currency: Swiss Franc Office of Statistics 10 people 36 statistical publications Databases: mostly registers & administrative data only a few surveys Coverage: mostly full coverage only a few results are based on samples Office of Statitics: Everyone is covering more than one subject. «All in one»-roles: data collection, analysis, text & graphs, presentations, online content, newsletter, mailing, international (Eurostat) questionnaires…

3 Manual procedures – Education statistics
Administrative data Manual procedures – Education statistics Comparison of raw data with previous year Check for duplicate cases, number of classes, pupils, schools, completeness Comparison of results with other sources Calculations done by the Office of Education in documents for intern use Comparison of results with previous year All tables are compared to the previous year Control calculations in Excel Additional formulas which control subtotals and totals

4 Manual procedures – Education statistics
Administrative data Manual procedures – Education statistics Separate file containing control tables Control of subtotals and totals between tables/ chapters «Four-eyes principle» Final check by collegues National publication Eurostat data Comparison with national publication Eurostat data checks within questionnaires

5 Population & Datawarehouse business register
Registers Population & Datawarehouse business register Per certain reference dates (e.g or ) data for national/international use is exported into a separate data warehouse and is invariable. Data in this warehouse, that has been validated and used for national publications is marked as «published». Main data users: Civil registry office, Office of Statistics, Migration and Passport Office => Less than 40’000 inhabitants, 37’000 employees of which 20’000 commute from abroad (more than 50%) 1) Population of Liechtenstein 2) Businesses and employees in Liechtenstein (Subgroup) 1) Various loads 2) Published loads

6 Registers / Manual data validation
Population register Control of residence balance check back with resident registration offices in all villages Check of different variables housing ID, age of pensioners/ students/ working population, nationalities, marital status, number of divorces, immigrants: country of birth and address Population register: Einwohnerabgleich: Liste of inhabitants in each village per reference date Variablen prüfen: completeness of housing ID, nationalities = completness and allocation to continents, marital status = completeness, number of certificates of divorces & number of divorces registered => Tables are generated automatically, checks are done manually.

7 Registers / Automatic data validation
Business register Total of 46 error loads - 21 are corrected by the Office of Statistics Check of different variables self-employed/ employed, economic sector, legal structure, date of funding, nationality, age Comparison to previous years Number of employees, FTE, workplaces, workplaces per economic sector, inbound/ outbound commuters, businesses per size category Error loads check for inconsistencies in data: kids who are older than parents, old students etc. Only a few corrections are necessary, most loads are empty or include few cases Different data useres are responsible for different quality checks. The Office of information technology (IT) creates 46 error loads and sends error-lists to the Civil Registry Office, Office of Statistics, Migration and Passport Office. Alle errors are then corrected and a definitiv data load is created and saved as «published» in the datawarehouse. Office of Statistics is responsible for 21 error loads. completness: self-employed/ employed, coding of economic sector, plausible dates, => Eurostat data is only sent after the national publication. Therefore no additional validation procedures are done, except then ones Eurostat offers.

8 New register is planned in 2018
Planned developments New register is planned in 2018 More automatic validation/ error loads Selection list for addresses, villages and countries Fewer people who enter data Only permanent employees can enter data Defined rules for special/ uncommon characters Flag items that base on an ID Regular user group meetings

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