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Lawrence DuBose Lesson Plan Objective

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1 Lawrence DuBose Lesson Plan Objective
The objective of this lesson is for students to identify the nature of science. One of the largest misconceptions in science is that a theory is something with little scientific backing that has not been proven. This activity is designed to give a rudimentary grounding in the use of basic terms within the scientific community and to investigate the nature of science itself. Time This lesson will take five to six fifty-minute class sessions Materials Textbook Internet Poster Procedure DAY 1- Discuss the nature of science Ask students to identify what science is- record class perceptions of science and how work in science is done Assign students article (McComas, 15 myths of Science, Skeptic (1997), V.5, No. 2. p.88-95) on how science is done. DAY 2- Have students define: theory, law, fact, and hypothesis as they pertain to science Have students read the article to understand gravity better: Have students generate a concept map, individually, using the concept of gravity and how it relates to the four above terms

2 DAY 3-4: Assign students to groups of four to begin their projects
DAY 3-4: Assign students to groups of four to begin their projects. They will work in the computer labs in the library, with access to all the books in the library Have students paired in groups of four to investigate concepts in science, some that have remained and some that have passed. Students should identify: When the view was prevalent (from when to when) Where the view prevailed (what part of the world) If the view was overturned, what better explanation was put in its place If the view was overturned, why it had been used and what it did help explain Whether this is / was a law, theory, hypothesis, fact, or field of study Some of the famous scientific proponents associated with the view Potential topics include Alchemy- creation of gold from other elements Geocentrism Heliocentrism Pythagorean Geometry Astrology Astronomy Cold fusion The Oscillating Universe Theorem The Big Bang The Anthropic Principle Multiverse Craniometry Four Basic Elements Other- At student request Groups will spend two days in and out of class completing this assignment Groups will generate poster with concept map showing how idea is / became prevalent and whether or not it still holds sway Groups will generate a 2-page (500 word minimum) report addressing all criteria in 3a.

3 DAY 5-6- Students will spend 10 minutes presenting in front of their peers
There will be a Q & A time following each session Groups will be evaluated on: Accuracy of their information Correctly defining terms Participation in discussion Clarity of poster

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