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Week Due Friday
Assessments are 100 pts each
Daily Grades Newspaper with reading strategies (back) 38 Week 12 PARTICIPATION 20 VOCABULARY POETRY 42 TOTAL PTS: 100 Vocabulary PRACTICE 30 PERSUASION COMMERCIAL Name of Novel: Author: Questions Answered 40 Assessments Grade M 9 T 10 5 7 8 12 13 READING & STRATEGIES VOCABULARY ANALYSIS GRAMMAR WRITING REBRIC Reflection bring test up to a 70 OTHER _________ W H 11 PTS / / / / /30 / /100 EXTRA CREDIT TESTING During reading time, use the headphones, watch the video and take notes. ASSIGNMNET SHEET, ASSIGNMENTS, READING AND JOURNAL ARE DUE ON FRIDAY. / 40 TOTALS: ________________________________________________________________________ STUDENT SIGNATURE __________________________________________ DATE_______ PARENT SIGNATURE ____________________________________________ DATE_______ Assessments are 100 pts each
Reading Strategies Directions:
Use your reading strategies to read this passage. Find the vocabulary -highlight the words- you do not know through the passage and the questions. Find a synonym you know and make sure it fits with the sentence. If you do not know it, look it up in the dictionary. Write a synonym (that makes sense) near the word. Read the captions - Highlight anything under a picture or graph. Read the passage and the questions Go back and summarize(note) each paragraph, briefly. Reread the questions. Find the answers in the passage. Using your notes will help. Write a brief summary using your notes.
3. Set a Goal 1. Possible Reasons for the Answer I Chose:
Name _______________________________________________________ Date _______________________________ Name of the Test __________________________________Period ___ Date ___________________________________ 1. Possible Reasons for the Answer I Chose: I didn’t understand the question 4. I had no clue about this and guessed I thought I had this right 5. I ran out of time I studied this but forgot 6. I made a careless mistake 2. My Effort Scale – Please Circle 1, 2, 3, 4,or 5 How hard did I concentrate and focus on each question? Did I study and prepare myself well? 1 = I did not concentrate. I gave no effort. I did not study. 2 = I had some concentration. I gave a little effort. I studied a little bit. 3 = I had a fair amount of concentration. I put forth some effort. I studied some. 4 = I did try to concentrate most of the time. I put forth a lot of effort. I studied thoroughly and felt prepared. I am proud of my thinking and working behavior! 3. Set a Goal What can I do to improve my performance in this class? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Question # My answer 1. My reason look below Correct Answer 2. Why? Provide a Reason/Evidence (prove it).
MY NOVEL IS ________________________________________________________________________ THE AUTHOR IS _________________________________________________________ 10 minutes a day Independent – alone time to work on skills. Reading Skills are developed through Independent Reading. Nightly Novel Respond Journal ANSWER EACH OF THE QUESTIONS AS DIRECTED BELOW. MONDAY: What happened in your story tonight? TUESDAY: What choice would you have made_________? Explain your reasoning. WEDNESDAY: What is your opinion of _________? Support your response. THURSDAY: What is a protagonist? How would you handle the protagonist’s problem? SOME QUESTIONS TO HELP YOU UNDERSTAND Seeking out evidence: “What makes you think that _____?” Explaining: “What are some of the causes that led to _____?” Relating concepts, ideas, and opinions: “How does that compare to__?” Predicting: “What will you do next?” Describing: “What did you observe happening?” Teacher conference _______________________ DATE: _____________. READING AND JOURNAL ARE DUE ON FRIDAY.
Comic Strip Understanding: Choose one of the comic strips.
Newspaper Comic Strip Understanding: Choose one of the comic strips. This week, use your newspaper activity and add this step. Find the grammar examples and for the week in the article you chose to read. Add your own “diction/voice/tone.” Read the comic strip. Answer the following: Do not copy the information. You may use quotations for #4. Bubble it out. 1. Write 3 unknown words, from the article, below. _____________________________________________________________________ What is it about? 2. Find the words in your article and write them below. Tell me how the picture helps you understand the comic. 5 nouns ____________________________ ___________________________________ 5 verbs ____________________________ ___________________________________ Are there words that remind you of any of the literary terms? 5 adjectives _________________________ Change one thing about the story, e.g., setting, character, time, ….Write your name and date on the paper and turn it into the tray. 5 adverbs __________________________ ___________________________________3. What is the article about? ___________________________________________________________________ 2 articles with Reading strategies 4. Quote a sentence that proves what you said. ___________________________________ 5. How does it make you feel? Why? ___________________________________ 6. What does it make you think of? __________________________________
cri – separate or choose uni - 1 dé – reduce, away, down, remove
Review All Vocabulary List of root words a – on amo – love hemi – half or partial bene/bon – good semi – half or partial cri – separate or choose uni - 1 dé – reduce, away, down, remove bi, duo – 2 ics – quality, relation to art and science tri – 3 tetra, quart – 4 iso – equal penta – 5 ism – belief, action conduct hexa – 6 pod/ped - feet, foot septem – 7 sopher – wise octo – 8 spect – look, see novem – 9 vis/vid – see decem - 10 zo – animal life undecim – 11 arch – ancient or primitive duodecim - 12
Choose two words from the Figurative Language List of Words
Choose two words from the Figurative Language List of Words. Work together to decide who gets what word. No two words may be used by anyone else.
FLIP BOOK -- Figurative Language
Writing or speech exaggerated for effect (not meant to be taken literally) Metaphor - Comparison of two unlike things without using 'like' or 'as.' Example: Juliet is the sun” Hyperbole - Exaggerating or stretching the truth for literary effect. Example: My shoes are killing me. Simile - A comparison of two unlike things using the word 'like' or 'as.' Example: Love is like a rose.” Personification - Giving human characteristics to non-human things. Example: The leaves kissed the tree. Imagery - Words that create images in the mind (tactile-touch, gustatory-taste, auditory-hear, olfactory-smell, visual-see)
Word Microscope Findings Log
Vocabulary Meaning
SOUND DEVICES Free Verse/Form Poetry is not written with a regular pattern Lyric Poetry – Poems that expresses the observations and feelings of a single speaker. Narrative Poetry - Poems that tell a story. Epic Poetry - A long narrative poem about the adventures of an almost superhuman character (The Odyssey) Fixed Verse/Form Poetry has a regular pattern Ballad - Poem which tells a story of a person from the past and is often set to music. Haiku - A Japanese form of poetry with three lines of 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables. Sonnet - Fourteen lines of iambic pentameter – popularized by Shakespeare
Word Microscope Findings Log
Vocabulary Meaning
Word Microscope Findings Log
Vocabulary Meaning
Transition Words TO CONTRAST: Despite However Yet
Rather Instead Otherwise Even though TO COMPARE: Likewise As well as Either Similarly In the same way CONTRAST Instead Yet However Nevertheless On one hand On the other hand On the contrary TO SHOW TIME: Recently now after then Before Following Subsequently finally TO SHOW EXAMPLES/Compare: For example To illustrate such as In fact For instance In comparison In addition Specifically Also Furthermore Likewise Moreover As well as TO SHOW CAUSE AND EFFECT As a result Consequently Therefore Accordingly For this reason TO SUMMARIZE: All in all As a result Consequently Finally EMPHASIS: Above all Especially Particularly For instance In particular Specifically Such as ILLUSTRATION: For example for instance In this case Imagine SEQUENCE: First of all At first To begin with To commence At the same time For now Meanwhile Next Then Later Simultaneously Afterward Immediately In the mean time EXPLAIN DETAILS IN ORDER FIRST DETAIL: For example To start To begin MIDDLE DETAIL: Also In addition Next LAST DETAIL: Finally Last Last but not least CONCLUDING SENTENCE: In conclusion To summarize As you can see All in all In summary In the final analysis Clearly All things considered
Write all of your reading strategies.
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