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Presentation on theme: "POLITICAL PARTIES."— Presentation transcript:


2 Key Terms 1. candidate – someone running for office
2. majority – half + one 3. plurality – the most votes 4. platform – the party’s goals or issues that are part of their campaign 5. plank – each individual issue 6. precinct – voting districts 7. third party – any party NOT a republican or democrat 8. independent – unaffiliated with a party

3 I. What is the difference between republicans and democrats?
A. republicans believe in less government involvement in people’s lives; democrats would support more government involvement in people’s lives B. Benefits of two party system 1. party’s check over one another 2. keep out radical views

4 II. 5 functions of political parties
A. represent your constituents B. nominate/get candidates elected C. inform the public D. communicate between different levels of gov’t (local, state, and federal) E. watchdog effect – parties checking each other


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